The Passing of Our Newly Initiated Brethren to the Degree of Fellowcraft
As the Entered Apprentice Degree as a whole is symbolic of infancy and youth, a period of learning fundamentals, a beginning, so the Fellowcraft Degree is emblematic of manhood.
But it is a manhood of continued schooling; of renewed research; of further instruction. The Fellowcraft has passed his early Masonic youth, but he lacks the wisdom of age which he can attain only by use of the teachings of his first degree, broadened, strengthened, added to, by those experiences which come to men as distinguished from children.
Brethren performing the degree, there will be practice beforehand beginning at 5:00. Make all arrangements necessary to get to the lodge room by 5:00.
Lodge will open on the Second Degree.
- 5:00 - Degree Practice (open to FC and MMs)
- 6:30 - Dinner (open to all)
- 7:30 - Lodge opens (FC and MMs only)