February 2025 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard is available here.

Greetings Brethren,

First, I’d like to share a word of Thanks from Melody and my family for supporting her installation as Honored Queen. It has been a long time coming, and I'm excited about her time in the east. I will keep the Lodge posted on her Bethel’s events in case you can travel and see their good work.

Next, I congratulate W.B. Trivedi on his installation as Oriental Guide in Almas Shrine. I look forward to his ascension in that appendant body. If you can support the Shrine or are considering joining, contact W.B. Anand for more details.

Our last meeting was designed to take a look at where you are in your journey, where others are, and how we can help and support each other in reaching and uncovering what Masonry has to offer each of us. As one Brother mentioned, that initial goal may change over time, but, as long as you are active in your pursuit, you can never go wrong, and you learn many things about yourself and others along the way. Truly a worthwhile endeavor!

This month will be an early opportunity for the officers to step up into the seats and try out next year’s potential chairs, as I will be “out of the office,” so to speak. R.W.B. Arce will lead a discussion in the same manner as last year which I found to be very rewarding in connecting with our Brethren on some of the deeper meanings found in our Masonic world.

Hopefully, I’ll see everyone soon so we can share the stories and build our Masonic experience together. This will be a very good year indeed!

Here are some other bits of news… we will be having a Masonic escape room later this year! The date is TBD but be ready to challenge yourselves. We are making progress on our International/Cultural Night. I’ve nearly lined up three performances but will need your help in really making it a success. We will need to travel and share the event details with other Lodges so that we can all enjoy and celebrate the diversity of Masonry in Washington, D.C. More to come, so come to Lodge especially to stay the most current on these developments and add your input to them as well.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Sam Chin, P.M.
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard is available here.

January 2025 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard is available here.

Greetings Brethren,

Welcome to the New Year! I hope everyone had a restful and joyous holiday season shared with family and friends. It was very enjoyable to see the installations of our fellow lodges and share time at the Grand Lodge Membership Gala with those who could attend. My family was able to travel abroad to visit Japan and see how they spend Christmas and the New Year. Quite a sight to see and experience.

We are grateful to all the Brethren who have placed their trust in our elected line. St. John’s Lodge has a lot to do this year to build on previous years’ stellar efforts. I plan to keep many of the new efforts led by R.W.B. Arce into this year and try some new things out. You don’t want to miss any of our meetings if your cable tow allows, as we have a full trestleboard with Masonic education, some soul searching, escape room testing, cultural performances, and more. I hope to bring all these things to St. John’s Lodge with your help and to share it with our Brethren across the jurisdiction.

As mentioned at the installation, you can bring canned goods and/or nonperishables to the Lodge so that we can gather them and support La’Hacienne Lodge No.925’s year-long food drive. As we visit other lodges and hear more about the charities they are supporting, I will include them in the bulletin. We will make a larger impact in our community when we work together.

Also, if you can attend, my daughter, Melody, will be installed as Honored Queen of her bethel right here in DC! They will meet at Takoma Masonic Center at noon for lunch, followed by a 1 pm installation on Saturday, January 4th. Please R.S.V.P. to me (master@stjohnslodgedc.org) to help plan the evening’s appropriations. Let’s show Maryland how we support our people!

Hopefully, I’ll see everyone soon so we can share the stories and build our Masonic experience together. This will be a very good year indeed!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Sam Chin, P.M.
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard is available here.

December 2024 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard is available here.

My Brothers,

As I shared in my remarks during our November Stated Communication, I thank you all for supporting our events, speakers, and new traditions this year at St. John’s Lodge No. 11. For those who have been able to regularly attend meetings, please continue to do so. There is a reason you were Accepted by this Lodge — we value you! To those who live outside our jurisdiction or are unable to join us, know that you are in our thoughts, and we always save a seat for you.

Now, to the business at hand. Join me in congratulating our Master-elect, W.B. Sam Chin, P.M.! I have greatly benefited from Sam’s friendship and wisdom this year. His return to the East is welcomed, and I look forward to his trestleboard events for the ensuing year.

Please be sure to place your R.S.V.P. for our December Stated Communication. Worshipful Master-elect Chin has requested a Thai dinner at 8 p.m. You and your guests are welcome to attend. In order to keep the Installation and Dinner on time, Lodge will open at 6:45 pm — with no business conducted — breaking for recess to re-open at Labor at 7 p.m. sharp. My goal is to invite family and friends in the room ahead of 7:30 for the Public Installation of Officers.

I hope you can attend, support our Officers and celebrate another successful year for St. John’s Lodge No. 11.

Sending Warm Holiday Wishes from my family to yours!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard is available here.

November 2024 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard is available here.

My Brothers,

As we prepare for our November Stated Communication and Officer election, I have spent a lot of time this month thinking of the past and looking to the future. People will say they “are busy” this time of year, which is understandable with the Holidays, family gatherings, and end-of-the-year events. Masonically, we will close out 2024 by electing our officers for 2025. I vividly remember my mindset as Senior Warden at this time last year: a mixture of optimism, excitement, and anticipation.

As the soon-to-be outgoing and Immediate Past Master, I share those same feelings but in a different order. I am excited for St. John’s Lodge because of all we have accomplished this year. We Raised Brother Thomas Henderson, performing fantastic degrees and providing him with a solid Masonic education to build the foundation for his Temple. I anticipate that many of the traditions we began this year will continue into next year’s Trestleboard — with events that cover all areas of Freemasonry while our Lodge continues to be a welcomed place for those with an interest in our Ancient and Gentle Craft. And I am optimistic that the future leaders of our Lodge will have the guidance they need to shine the Light of Freemasonry in the Nation’s Capital for generations to come!

With that, I thank you for the honor of serving in the East this year. I look forward to standing with and supporting our new Worshipful Master-elect soon!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard is available here.

October 2024 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard is available here.

My Brothers,

TikTok seems to know what’s happening in my life these days. For some reason, I keep getting videos in my feed about the planets and their path around the Sun. And, as much as I love the fall season and the holidays to come, I can’t help but feel a sense of sadness as my time in the East passes with every month. Being the Worshipful Master of St. John’s Lodge No. 11 is, hands down, my favorite Masonic leadership role. It has been my privilege to gavel our meetings, connect with each of you outside of Lodge Masonicly, and enjoy your Fellowship at our events this year.

I was recently asked what my plans are for next year. They are pretty simple: I will work hard to support the new Worshipful Master of our Lodge and continue to be a Brother who can be counted on.

As we approach the homestretch of this Masonic year, October will provide some Light and Brotherhood opportunities to enjoy! First, Bro. Jason Short will travel for a third time to visit St. John’s Lodge No. 11 to deliver his Masonic Mnemonics presentation. If you have ever wondered what tricks or tips exist to remember people’s names or commit ritual to memory – this program is for you! Secondly, I invite you to join my wife, Azad, and I for dinner and an October evening ghost tour in Old Town Alexandria on Saturday, October 12. The details are in the Trestleboard section of this bulletin. Due to reservation constraints, I ask that you R.S.V.P. before October 1 if you and your guest can join in the fun.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

September 2024 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard available here.

Warm Fraternal Greetings, my Brothers!

I’ll admit, my comments this month might have been heavily influenced by the 2024 Summer Olympics. A little…

For the most part, Freemasonry is an individual journey. Sure, we have coaches, mentors, and teammates who push us along our way, but, for the most part, the work that we do in building our symbolic temple or on our ashlar is that effort to make a good man, better.

However, there are some moments when our individual talents are needed to drive a team to greatness. Relay events serve as a prime example – as a team is assembled based on the strengths of the individuals who are measured on the sum of their potential. Speed, power, endurance, and even wisdom are all carefully balanced. This can be seen in our Lodge as well.

I invite you to attend our September Stated Communication on Friday, September 6th, when our Wardens and those interested in pursuing their path to the East, “move up” for the evening. Watch as your Lodge Officers pass the leadership baton and, if you are so inclined, use this opportunity to answer the call in your heart to serve St. John’s Lodge No.11.

On a personal note, many thanks to all who attended, stepped up for the evening, and supported the Lodge for our August meeting. Your dedication was greatly appreciated!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

August 2024 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard available here.

Fellowcraft Degree Night

My Brethren,


It’s not very often that one is part of history. Sure, we’ve all been a witness to history, be it televised or unfolding right before our eyes, but very rarely do we have a part in it. Especially when it comes to Freemasonry. I’m proud to share two moments in June where such opportunities were presented.

The first was the Universal Brotherhood Celebration, Universal Lodge and Festive Board hosted by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge (MWPHGL) of the District of Columbia. This was a first-of-its-kind event, in that, for the first time in our modern history, both Grand Lodges met and sat together. This was my first time ever visiting a Prince Hall Lodge, much more their Grand Lodge. While I am still learning my way around downtown, any doubt in my mind as to where this historic building is on U Street quickly evaporated as soon as I saw the smiling faces of Brethren all dressed in black suits, white shirts, and black ties.

WB Anand Trivedi and I had the honor of sitting as the Sr. and Jr. Stewards, representing St. John’s, during the opening and closing of the Universal Lodge.During the Lodge meeting, we witnessed the exemplification of the EA Degree by the MWPHGL degree cast. To say they have a commitment to strong ritual and floorwork is an understatement! I could feel their footsteps fall in unison and the words are still firmly in my memory. This event was one of the best attended that I have witnessed during my three years in DC; I hope that more Brothers find time to be a part of next year’s program!

The second historical moment was also meaningful, as St. John’s Lodge Brothers and Job’s Daughter International Sisters and Guardians honored the memory of WB Dad John Regner during a joint Table Lodge of Instruction and celebrated WB Karl Gruel at our Fidelity Medal presentation. As I stated in my remarks that evening, the Fidelity Medal recipient is merely the custodian of the honor. The medal is a testament to character, resilience, devotion, sacrifice, and support. WB Gruel exemplifies the true meaning of fidelity. His unique story, one he has famously stated, that St. John’s Lodge is his family. Tonight, your family is recognizing your dedication, the lasting impact you have made on countless lives, and for that we are eternally grateful.

Finally, my Brothers, if it is within your cable-tow, I invite you to be a part of history at our August Communication as we welcome MWB Jacob M. Bressman, Grand Master of the District of Columbia and MWB Steven Adam Rubin, Grand Master of New York to dinner. MWB Rubin will be traveling with a delegation from the Grand Lodge of New York.

A catered BBQ buffet dinner will be provided – open to all St. John’s Lodge members and guests, beginning at 8 p.m. in the dining room of the Almas Shriner Temple. Please R.S.V.P. to the Worshipful Master by Monday, July 29. No RSVP, no seat, no exceptions.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

June 2024 Stated Communication

Warm Fraternal Greetings, my Brothers!

We are halfway through our Masonic year. With that in mind, as you reflect upon your personal trestleboard, inventory and measure your progress toward your Masonic goals, here are a few items to include on your personal calendar this month.

Monday, June 3 – Fellowcraft Degree

St. John’s will be joining Anacostia-Pentalpha Lodge 21 to confer a joint Fellowcraft Degree to Bro. Thomas Henderson at the Odd Fellows Temple, Washington DC.

Friday, June 7 – June Stated Communication

Following our June Stated Communication, WB Ron Seifried, DSA, Area Historian for the Nassau and Suffolk Masonic Districts (GLNY), and author of “Long Island Freemasons,” will lead us through his exciting program on “Theodore Roosevelt: The Man And Mason.” Program begins at 8PM with a complimentary light dinner available for all who have an interest in Freemasonry. THEN… plan to join the Brethren of St. John’s Lodge on Saturday, June 8th, for a walking tour of Theodore Roosevelt Island starting at 10am, as we trek to TR’s memorial. A complimentary light picnic lunch will be provided, and all are welcome to attend. Again, please RSVP for a meal.

Saturday, June 15 – Universal Brotherhood Celebration

St. John’s will be supporting the annual Universal Brotherhood Celebration hosted by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. This event includes a Universal Brotherhood Lodge with Educational Presentation at the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia’s U Street Temple. Open to Master Masons Only. A Festive Board follows the UBC Lodge program. St. John’s Brothers, please present your dinner receipt to the Secretary for reimbursement.

Saturday, June 22 – Celebration of Life for WB John Regner and St. John's Fidelity Medal Award Ceremony for WB Karl Gruel

The Brethren of St. John’s No. 11 invite you to George Washington National Masonic Museum for a Celebration of Life for our late-Brother, WB John Regner followed by the Fidelity Medal presentation to WB Karl Gruel. The event begins with a guided tour of the museum at 3pm, Festive Board with the Job’s Daughters of Delmar at 5pm, followed by the award presentation at 7pm. This event has limited seating! RSVP at https://stjohnslodgedc.org/store/test-event.

Friday, June 28 – Official Visit of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of DC

All elected officers are expected to attend our Official Visit held at the DC Scottish Rite building. All Brethren are encouraged to attend this event! A festive board will follow. I look forward to seeing you this month, in and outside of Lodge!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.

May 2024 Stated Communication

Hello, my Brothers!

A colleague at work brought his new 16-inch MacBook Pro to the office last week and I was so excited to see it. As a former Apple Retail Store employee and Apple fan, I have long admired the look and feel of these amazing machines. I

asked my friend if he was planning on using his new Mac for editing photos, creating videos, or graphic design. His answer absolutely floored me. “I bought it to surf the net.” He spent over $4,000 on the top-of-the-line MacBook to do the same thing he could do on an entry-level PC. Why? Because he wanted the best computer money could buy. Again, I couldn’t believe it.

My Brothers, we all come to Freemasonry because it is born in our hearts. For some, the journey to become a Mason starts as a young adult, for others much later. But the reason we seek to join is generally the same: to become a better version of ourselves. When we talk about “value” in our membership, the conversation tends to lead to what we get out of Freemasonry. The benefits of being a Traveling Man, the Brotherhood, the Fellowship… the list goes on. What we fail to mention in the “value” conversation is what we invest in Freemasonry. Our time building our Temple, doing the meaningful work of the Craft, and serving our Lodge.

I shared the story of my work friend who spent a small fortune on “the best computer money could buy,” to ask this question: are you getting the most of your membership at St. John’s Lodge No. 11? And, if not, how can I, as Master of the Lodge, help you obtain value?

As the summer approaches, our minds shift to the end of the school year, holidays, family gatherings, and (my favorite part) vacation. Please note (in bold) an update to our excused absence policy. First, if you are unable to attend an upcoming Communication due to schedule conflicts with family, business, or personal obligations - continue to send an email to the Worshipful Master and Secretary of the Lodge to be excused from that meeting. Second, all elected and appointed officers are now responsible for finding a qualified Brother to fill your Chair. For those needing assistance with this task, the sooner you can communicate your conflict, the sooner we can find a qualified Brother for that evening. Thank you in advance.

Two important upcoming event notes from our April Stated Communication:

  • St. John’s Lodge will be participating at the Flowers of Remembrance at Arlington National Cemetery on Sunday, May 26. This is a free event where attendees have the opportunity to lay a flower at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We will be meeting in the patio area, after you pass through the Visitor Center, at 9:30am to make our way to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There will be guided tours led by area historians from 10am-2pm. After our tour, feel free to join me as I take the blue line to King Street (Alexandria) for lunch at one of the many tasty restaurants in Old Town. I’d like to thank the Brethren of St. John’s for the Lodge’s donation of $100 to the organizers of this Memorial Day event.

  • Our Fidelity Medal/Celebration of Life for WB John Regner Event will take place on Saturday, June 22. WB Sam Chin has planned an excellent event beginning with a guided tour of the George Washington National Masonic Museum at 3pm. A joint Table Lodge with the Job’s Daughters Bethel at 5pm. Followed by the Fidelity Medal Ceremony for WB Karl Gruel at 7pm. Get event details and make your RSVP now on the St. John’s Lodge website via the store.

Finally, I’m looking forward to Bro. David de Hosson’s presentation on “The History of St. John’s Lodge No. 11” as the program for our May Communication. For those who were not able to attend St. John’s Lodge 175th Anniversary event in 2021, you’ll enjoy this deep dive into the key figures, events, and Masons who shaped our Lodge!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.

April 2024 Stated Communication

Hello, my Brothers!

Warm Fraternal Greetings, my Brothers!

Thank you to the Brethren of Nur Lodge No. 2000 for their visit to St. John's Lodge No. 11. It was a pleasure to greet and sit in Lodge with these Brothers, and, a personal highlight for me, to invite their Worshipful Master Karem Urus to a seat in the East. As part of my journey to the East, W.B. Urus is one of the many Brothers I have spent time working with or have had the pleasure to join in Masonic Intercourse at Grand Lodge events. It was also meaningful that the Brethren of Nur Lodge No. 2000 inquired about our recent Lantern Lodge, as they are looking to replicate that program at an upcoming meeting!

Thanks to the warmth and wit of Bro. Chris Ruli, our March Communication was a mix of entertainment and information. Bro. Ruli touched on five key points from his latest book, "The White House and the Freemasons." For those who were unable to attend and would like to listen to a sample of Bro. Ruli's research, I've included two links to his recent appearance on the Craftsmen Online Podcast for your enjoyment.

  • The White House and Freemasonry https://sptfy.com/BroRuli1

  • Subscriber Extra Episode https://sptfy.com/BroRuli2

I have heard your feedback on the refreshments provided after our Lodge meetings. I understand that there are some who desire sustenance beyond pizza. There are two reasons for our current refreshment situation:

  1. Lack of access to the Almas kitchen. This is an "unmovable" barrier to our meals as, in part with our agreement with Almas, we cannot be promised access to the kitchen on site due to a superseding agreement between the Temple and the Hotel on the use of the kitchen for the Hotel's events. Simply put, if the hotel books a special event, a paid event overrides our access. For this reason, our meals must contain a "disposable" dish and setup option.

  2. Lack of RSVPs from St. John's Lodge No. 11 members. On a bright note, this has IMPROVED this year! Bro. Junior Warden informed during the collation that followed our March meeting, that has seen an uptick in RSVPs from our members. Here is my refreshments proposal: if we can secure more than 10 meal RSVPs ahead of each Stated Communication, I will amend my budget to allow for more catered/buffet style meals following our meetings - allowing for rule that these means must stay within the disposable dish/setup option.

Finally, let's discuss our April Lodge program. This will be one of the only programs that will be open only to Master Masons. The reason: the discussion for the evening will most likely enter areas of the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees, and I do not want to prohibit Brothers from being able to express themselves. We will be opening a Lodge of Discussion following our April business meeting.

A Lodge of Discussion is a Traditional or Observant Masonry practice where Brethren gather in a secure Lodge to offer their individual input on a singular Masonic question. A reading material is assigned that aligns with the discussion topic for this meeting. In our case, we will be discussing "Why a Mason must profess the belief of an immortal soul?" Our reading will be an excerpt from Bro. Angel Millar's book "The Path of the Warrior Mystic: Being A Man In An Age of Chaos." We will specifically be focusing on a selection from Chapter 12: The Warrior and The Creative Individual. I'm happy to share that Bro. Millar will be virtually joining us for the opening of our Lodge of Discussion! If you are looking for an esoteric, engaging Masonic experience - I look forward to seeing you on Friday, April 5th!

Please be in touch with Bro. Junior Warden to RSVP for dinner. I will be circulating the reading selection to those who have indicated their attendance.

I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting in Spring!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.