Full Trestleboard is available here.
My Brothers,
As I shared in my remarks during our November Stated Communication, I thank you all for supporting our events, speakers, and new traditions this year at St. John’s Lodge No. 11. For those who have been able to regularly attend meetings, please continue to do so. There is a reason you were Accepted by this Lodge — we value you! To those who live outside our jurisdiction or are unable to join us, know that you are in our thoughts, and we always save a seat for you.
Now, to the business at hand. Join me in congratulating our Master-elect, W.B. Sam Chin, P.M.! I have greatly benefited from Sam’s friendship and wisdom this year. His return to the East is welcomed, and I look forward to his trestleboard events for the ensuing year.
Please be sure to place your R.S.V.P. for our December Stated Communication. Worshipful Master-elect Chin has requested a Thai dinner at 8 p.m. You and your guests are welcome to attend. In order to keep the Installation and Dinner on time, Lodge will open at 6:45 pm — with no business conducted — breaking for recess to re-open at Labor at 7 p.m. sharp. My goal is to invite family and friends in the room ahead of 7:30 for the Public Installation of Officers.
I hope you can attend, support our Officers and celebrate another successful year for St. John’s Lodge No. 11.
Sending Warm Holiday Wishes from my family to yours!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful Master
Full Trestleboard is available here.