February 2025 Stated Communication

Full Trestleboard is available here.

Greetings Brethren,

First, I’d like to share a word of Thanks from Melody and my family for supporting her installation as Honored Queen. It has been a long time coming, and I'm excited about her time in the east. I will keep the Lodge posted on her Bethel’s events in case you can travel and see their good work.

Next, I congratulate W.B. Trivedi on his installation as Oriental Guide in Almas Shrine. I look forward to his ascension in that appendant body. If you can support the Shrine or are considering joining, contact W.B. Anand for more details.

Our last meeting was designed to take a look at where you are in your journey, where others are, and how we can help and support each other in reaching and uncovering what Masonry has to offer each of us. As one Brother mentioned, that initial goal may change over time, but, as long as you are active in your pursuit, you can never go wrong, and you learn many things about yourself and others along the way. Truly a worthwhile endeavor!

This month will be an early opportunity for the officers to step up into the seats and try out next year’s potential chairs, as I will be “out of the office,” so to speak. R.W.B. Arce will lead a discussion in the same manner as last year which I found to be very rewarding in connecting with our Brethren on some of the deeper meanings found in our Masonic world.

Hopefully, I’ll see everyone soon so we can share the stories and build our Masonic experience together. This will be a very good year indeed!

Here are some other bits of news… we will be having a Masonic escape room later this year! The date is TBD but be ready to challenge yourselves. We are making progress on our International/Cultural Night. I’ve nearly lined up three performances but will need your help in really making it a success. We will need to travel and share the event details with other Lodges so that we can all enjoy and celebrate the diversity of Masonry in Washington, D.C. More to come, so come to Lodge especially to stay the most current on these developments and add your input to them as well.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Sam Chin, P.M.
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard is available here.