The GW Masonic Memorial visit is scheduled for April 9th at 230pm (please arrive early so we can settle admission fees). Please notify Brother Secretary with your intention to visit along with significant others and any prospective candidates. If our group will be significantly larger than 15-20 they are asking we notify them a week in advance. We may pay at the door, members showing dues cards will be given $1 off their admission.
This is a great opportunity to learn about masonic history and other facets of our craft and share with family, friends, and hopefully new-to-be brethren.
We have not chosen an after visit location but if anyone has a spot that's close by please share as I'm unfamiliar with the area. We would like to keep it open for all including those with families. My aim is to show candidates that we have family friendly events for familial fellowship. We can express and show them that we will also have other more adult events (bar/happy hours/etc...) to balance brotherly fellowship. We want people to know that we are about more than just a group of guys hanging out.