Installation of the St. John’s Lodge No. 11 Officers for the year 2020
On Friday, Dec 6, the Lodge will be holding the installation ceremony for next year’s officers. We’d love to have friends and family join us to show Jason and his Brethren our support as we honor the hard work that they have all put into their individual journeys, and especially for Jason as he steps into the East to assume the seat of Worshipful Master.
Dinner 6:30-7:30. At 7:30, the guys will go down and do their secret ritualistic goat sacrifice stuff while we hang out upstairs and drink their beer and booze. When they’re ready, they’ll open the space for us to join the family and friends portion of the ceremony. Families are welcome and we’ll try to bring some activities to keep the little ones entertained.
Post event plans still forthcoming, but likely for the late night crowd, there will be a bar or two in the cards.
I’ve heard there will be cake!! (cough, Muriel makes AWESOME cake!!!!) Free dinner, beer, and cake - what more can we ask for?! Please try to let us know if you can make it so we plan for enough food and feel free to share this invitation with others we may have missed.