Spring is just around the corner, so hopefully the cold air is behind us, and we can begin to look forward to the trees budding and the warm sun shining down on us. Springtime comes as a relief for me as it’s finally time to clean out all the things I’ve been accumulating over the cold winter months and set myself up for a breath of fresh air; not only my home, but my mind as well. The vernal equinox is an interesting time of the year. To me, it represents a time to “rebalance” or harmonize our earthly priorities. This causes me to apply one of the first working tools we as Masons come in contact with, the 24 inch gauge. This is to teach us about balance and harmony. We are to divide our time into three equal parts, eight hours for the service of God and a distressed worthy Brother, eight for our usual vocations, and eight for refreshment and sleep. The vernal equinox provides us with an opportunity to evaluate how well we are utilizing this important Masonic tool in our efforts to be the best we can be for our families, our friends, our lodge, and our community. We should evaluate whether we are focusing too much time on one thing and not the others, and come up with ways in which we can rebalance our approach for the betterment of our own lives and those around us.
I encourage you all to reflect on the meaning of the 24 inch gauge and how well you are balancing your life. If adjustments are needed, make the adjustments; if improvements can be made, make the improvements; if you think you’re completely balanced and perfect, think again. Life is about continuously improving as we move forward and learn new things about ourselves and the life we live. So as the earth balances itself, and night and day become basically equal in length, think about your own life and use this time of the year to harmonize yourself with the world around you.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
James S. Parkhurst
Worshipful Master