December 2019 Stated Communication



Congratulations to the Brethren as you have successfully elected your 2020 leadership! Bro Senior Warden, Jason Lee, has successfully passed the prerequisites to sit in the East! I know that those tests can be very challenging and your successful passing highlights the commitment to the Craft that you have shown and will continue to show as you guide this lodge forward in 2020.

As you know, at the previous stated communication the 4th Quarter Fellowcraft Brunch was postponed in order to allow the brothers to go and enjoy the World Series Champion Washington National’s Championship Parade! I saw a lot of great photos, and it appeared that the Brethren had a great time celebrating this amazing accomplishment. The Fellowcraft Brunch will be re-scheduled in early January and will serve to set the 2020 schedule, goals, and objectives.

Remember that the December Stated Communication is the installation of the 2020 Officers, which is an open event. This is a great way to include your family and allow them to see some of the ceremony of Freemasonry.

Please remember that dues were due before October. Our Lodge has made it easy to make electronic payments. To do so, please visit the Lodge website and go to the “Store.” You can make your payment there.

Thank you to each and every one of you! It was an honor and a privilege to serve all of you from the East this year.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.