The beginning of this year has proven to be a very busy season in my life. We all go through seasonal changes in our lives and in Masonry. My busy season is forcing me to make tough decisions. The decisions are directly tied to the amount of time I have in the day to accomplish the tasks set out before me. I know each and every one of you experience these challenges as well. What we end up doing is prioritizing our obligations and our commitments. As the Worshipful Master, I have committed to our Lodge and to each and every one of you. Time passes on and, sometimes, making and adhering to a commitment is challenging. Take in point this bulletin. Time has slipped, and I have missed my initial deadline. I take full responsibility for that. But this is a good lesson in Masonry. We are taught and teach our candidates and Brothers to function within their cable-tow. We ask Brothers to participate if something is within their cable-tow to do so.
That cable-tow is many different lengths for many different Brothers. I ask you to evaluate the length of your cable-tow and see if there are a couple more inches available for the Lodge and the great things we’re doing in 2019.
The March Stated is turning out to be a very busy day. We have two very fun and exciting events occurring. The first is the Grand Lodge Visitation. We are very excited to welcome M.W.B. Charbel T. Fahed, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, into St. John’s Lodge No. 11 and report to him the progress we’ve made and are making in 2019. The second is that we’re welcoming three new candidates into the first step in Masonry. If it’s within your cable-tow to participate, please do.
Also, on March 23, 2019, we are all getting together to watch some NCAA basketball at 2 Silos Brewing in Manassas. It is a very family friendly brewery that is full service. It’ll be great!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master