September 2022 Stated Communication


With the completion of August communication we begin the back half of the year. It was exciting seeing so many of you in the lodge this past month.

As we continue the year we have much work to do. In October, we will be conducting the Master Mason degree. All of you who have agreed to participate please attend our first rehearsal on August 20 at 9AM. If you are a Master Mason and have not volunteered for a position you are also welcome to attend. If you need any additional information please let me know. In November, we will be conducting elections and finally in December we will install our new lodge officers.

I am also very excited about Bro. de Hosson’s lecture on the intersections between core Masonic tenets and the thought of Classical Greek philosophers this September. David has put a lot of work into his presentation and I hope you all can attend to appreciate his work.

We continue to hold our discord meetings every Wednesday and these are open for anyone to attend. If you are interested please let me know. It is a great opportunity for some of the Brothers who have moved away to catch up.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you in lodge in September.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master