A bit of good news to start. Our Lodge has elected to bestow an honorary membership on Most Worshipful Brother Alan L. Gordon, P.G.M., and grant reaffiliation to Brother Thomas Zekoski. Please join me in welcoming them (back) to our ranks. I very much look forward to having both in attendance.
Next, a bit of business. As many know, we are in the Non-Payment of Dues (N.P.D.) season, and many Brethren have indicated that they have occasionally struggled with paying dues. As a reminder to everyone, we have several relief options should you find yourself in hardship. At any time, you should feel free to reach out to any of the Pillar Officers or W.B. Secretary if you need support in navigating a relief request.
Also many of you are aware, as of late, several decisions that have come from the Most Worshipful Grand Master (M.W.G.M.). Without context, these may seem arbitrary, petty, or unnecessary, but I can assure you that, in each of these instances, issuing a decision was the absolute last resort. The M.W.G.M., in every example, attempted to whisper good counsel, engage with the Brethren, plead his case, and was repeatedly met with pushback and/or ridicule. Behavior such as this is completely un-Masonic. The M.W.G.M., by code, has every right to immediately suspend a Brother for these actions, yet he found humility and tried to work through the resistance to find common ground, only to be disrespected again.
I know that for many of us, we are still dealing with the trauma caused by the frustration of feeling helpless to prevent the events of last year from crumbling the foundation of our jurisdiction, but lashing out in response is not the way to solve our problems. We are taught, as Masons, to learn to subdue our passions, and this is a life-long process that will require challenges that push you to your limits. I implore each of you to remember the teachings of the Craft and always approach a new test with the knowledge that you are a Master Mason and therefore know how to conduct yourself as such.
I am a big proponent of transparency, and I applaud the M.W.G.M. for having an open-door policy. So, taking his cue, if at any point, you feel that you need more context to any decision coming from the Most Worshipful Grand Master, myself, or anything happening in our jurisdiction, know that I am here to talk.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB James M. Hall
Worshipful Master
Full Trestleboard available here.