Astrology of our Planets
R.W.B. Adam Goldman
Warm Fraternal Greetings,
Thanks to all who attended our Tabletop Game Night at the January Stated Communication. It was very entertaining to watch and be a part of Honey Heist games with Brothers and their guests - Go Bears!
We have another interactive program planned for our February Stated Communication, coming up on Friday, February 2nd! Our theme for the evening will be Astrology as we mark the Lunar New Year with our own Lantern Lodge night. Brothers are welcome to bring their electric (non-ignition) lanterns to Lodge. We will open and close our business meeting on the 1st Degree of Masonry (gavel drops at 7 pm) by lantern light. At 8pm, R.W.B. Adam Goldman will share his presentation, “Astrology and our Planets,” in the Lodge room, illuminated by your lantern light! R.W.B. Goldman's program is open to anyone with an interest in Freemasonry or Astrology. Complimentary pizza will be served in the Almas Shriner Bar after our business meeting; the bar will be open until 10 pm.
Please be sure to R.S.V.P. if you plan on attending and if you will be bringing a guest.
Bring your Light and help share ours!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.