June 2024 Stated Communication

Warm Fraternal Greetings, my Brothers!

We are halfway through our Masonic year. With that in mind, as you reflect upon your personal trestleboard, inventory and measure your progress toward your Masonic goals, here are a few items to include on your personal calendar this month.

Monday, June 3 – Fellowcraft Degree

St. John’s will be joining Anacostia-Pentalpha Lodge 21 to confer a joint Fellowcraft Degree to Bro. Thomas Henderson at the Odd Fellows Temple, Washington DC.

Friday, June 7 – June Stated Communication

Following our June Stated Communication, WB Ron Seifried, DSA, Area Historian for the Nassau and Suffolk Masonic Districts (GLNY), and author of “Long Island Freemasons,” will lead us through his exciting program on “Theodore Roosevelt: The Man And Mason.” Program begins at 8PM with a complimentary light dinner available for all who have an interest in Freemasonry. THEN… plan to join the Brethren of St. John’s Lodge on Saturday, June 8th, for a walking tour of Theodore Roosevelt Island starting at 10am, as we trek to TR’s memorial. A complimentary light picnic lunch will be provided, and all are welcome to attend. Again, please RSVP for a meal.

Saturday, June 15 – Universal Brotherhood Celebration

St. John’s will be supporting the annual Universal Brotherhood Celebration hosted by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. This event includes a Universal Brotherhood Lodge with Educational Presentation at the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia’s U Street Temple. Open to Master Masons Only. A Festive Board follows the UBC Lodge program. St. John’s Brothers, please present your dinner receipt to the Secretary for reimbursement.

Saturday, June 22 – Celebration of Life for WB John Regner and St. John's Fidelity Medal Award Ceremony for WB Karl Gruel

The Brethren of St. John’s No. 11 invite you to George Washington National Masonic Museum for a Celebration of Life for our late-Brother, WB John Regner followed by the Fidelity Medal presentation to WB Karl Gruel. The event begins with a guided tour of the museum at 3pm, Festive Board with the Job’s Daughters of Delmar at 5pm, followed by the award presentation at 7pm. This event has limited seating! RSVP at https://stjohnslodgedc.org/store/test-event.

Friday, June 28 – Official Visit of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of DC

All elected officers are expected to attend our Official Visit held at the DC Scottish Rite building. All Brethren are encouraged to attend this event! A festive board will follow. I look forward to seeing you this month, in and outside of Lodge!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.