April 2023 Stated Communication


Thank you to everyone who was able to step up and support our Lodge during our Grand Visitation last month. The Grand Master communicated to us that he views the strength of a Lodge by that Lodge’s ability to be able to completely fill our seats during a visitation, and I’m so proud to be able to say that we filled our seats and more.

Further, we had an absolutely stunning turn out from the Grand Lodge for our visitation, and the room was as full as I’ve ever seen. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to discuss our Lodge’s trestleboard and the work that we’re doing to build strength, unity, and fellowship for our Brethren.

A note to keep an eye out for details on the table lodge that Brother Senior Warden and the Fellowship Committee are diligently planning with Anacostia-Pentalpha Lodge No.21. The event will be sure to have excellent merriment and camaraderie, with an open invitation to candidates interested in seeking to petition.

Finally, a decision from the Grand Master has been made to clarify the appropriate dress of all Lodge officers. “Properly attired is defined as: black suit, white shirt, black shoes, black socks, and a black or Lodge tie (four-in-hand or bowtie).” If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me so we can discuss.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

March 2023 Stated Communication


For those who were unable to attend our last Stated Communication, you missed out on one of the best presentations we’ve had to date. Brother Senior Warden Michael Arce and Brother Junior Deacon David De Hosson put together an expertly crafted discussion on the legacy of Hiram Abiff, and how it applies to Masonry. The premise of the discussion, that throughout our ritual and education, we often find ourselves unsure of the specifics and details of Hiram Abiff. This led to a fantastic exploration of the origins of the person, his legacy, and how we apply it to Masonry. I implore you to connect with Brothers Arce and De Hosson for further discussion on the topic and learn as much as you can from their expertise.

On a specific note from February’s stated, we (finally) passed the budget for 2023. I have spent significant time over the past several months working with key stakeholders in our Lodge to craft a budget that clearly reinvests in our Brethren with the intent to grow our network both fraternally and financially. Though the work is far from complete, I expect that this will serve as a framework that future Worshipful Masters can use to refine their plans and contribute to our advancement.

An important reminder to all Brethren – our Grand Visitation is scheduled for Friday, March 3, 2023. It is imperative that we have our seats filled for this Stated Communication as the Most Worshipful Grand Master has directly communicated to me and the pillar officers that his perception of a healthy Lodge is one that is full. If you are unable to attend, contact me or Brother Senior Warden Michael Arce as soon as possible, and, if you are able to coordinate a replacement in your stead, that would be most welcomed.

Ending on a bright note, we are on the cusp of spring when the temperatures warm and the daylight lasts a bit longer. A sense of renewed growth andexcitement at the opportunities ahead is in the air (as well as pollen). As the weekends become more hospitable, we plan to host some Lodge picnics to enjoy the change of the seasons. I hope that both our regulars and long-time-no-seers can join us.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

January 2023 Stated Communication


I’m truly humbled to have the opportunity to address you from the East and sit as your Worshipful Master for the 2023 Masonic year. This installation ceremony was one for the ages and will be a memory that I’m not soon to forget.

Over the past several years, we have come together to accomplish so much for our Lodge, and I feel that we have the momentum to continue our path toward becoming a shining example of education and fellowship for all Lodges throughout the Grand Jurisdiction. Of note, most recently is our move to Almas Shrine which could not have happened without the support and dedication of the relocation committee and Pilar Officers. Congratulations on the success of years of hard work. The new location has so much to offer, and I’m filled with excitement about all of the possibilities.

This year, I have several initiatives that will allow us to reinvest in our Lodge, creating and reviving new and everlasting traditions that will bring our Brethren and their families closer together. Lodge and family movie nights, a game night, a whiskey tasting, and a pinball tournament are just some of the events on the agenda. In addition to fellowship, I plan to appoint a working committee that will be responsible for the creation of education materials that shall be used for new brothers and their mentors. My hope is that this will allow for a more uniformed approach to our Masonic education, thereby making better Masons. Should you have interest in serving on, or working with, this committee I ask you to reach out to me directly.

Finally, as a reminder, we meet every Thursday at 8:00 PM on the Lodge Discord server to discuss upcoming events, practice ritual, or simply convene for fellowship. I encourage everyone who has interest to attend. 2023 is going to be an amazing year, and I’m excited that I get to labor with such a fantastic Lodge.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

December 2022 Stated Communication

Good evening Brethren!

With this bulletin, it will be my last (for now) from the East. I am very thankful for my line and the Lodge for a great year—specifically, my Senior Warden Jamie Hall and Junior Warden Michael Arce. Thank you all for your good counsel this past year.

With my final Lodge meeting as your Worshipful Master in December, I hope many of you are able to attend. For those Brethren who are unable to attend, we continue to hold our weekly online Discord fellowship; however, we have moved the day from Wednesday to Thursday. I know some of you mentioned that may work better so I hope to see more of you online.

Thank you all for the opportunity to have sat in the East this year, and I will see you all from the South next year.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master

November 2022 Stated Communication

Good day Brethren!

The year is finally beginning to wind down. Thank you all who attended and participated in the Master Mason Degree at our October Stated. It was great seeing some faces that have not been around for some time. As we are approaching the end of the year I often take this time to reflect on what I am thankful for. This also happens to coincide with our Thanksgiving holiday, which I hope all of you are going to enjoy with family and friends. One thing I wanted to do is thank all of you that stepped up to help make the Master Mason Degree possible. There was a big chance that I was not going to be able to attend due to the new addition to my family, and if it wasn't for the support of other members in the lodge it was not going to happen. So to ALL members of St John's Lodge, I would like to say thank you. We wouldn't be able to do what we do without all of your support.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master

October 2022 Stated Communication


We are moving into my favorite time of year. I often take this time to look back on what I have accomplished this year and look forward to the next. There are many things I can say I am proud of accomplishing this year. This is the first year that I have not missed a single Lodge meeting, though as Master the obligation is a bit stronger. I am also proud of all the brethren who have made it to our communications this year. We have had many exciting lectures and, I for one, have thoroughly enjoyed them. We are now in the home stretch with me in the East as the Master. I hope many of you can make it out for the Master Mason Degree that will be conferred in October.

Thank you all who have attended the year thus far.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master

September 2022 Stated Communication


With the completion of August communication we begin the back half of the year. It was exciting seeing so many of you in the lodge this past month.

As we continue the year we have much work to do. In October, we will be conducting the Master Mason degree. All of you who have agreed to participate please attend our first rehearsal on August 20 at 9AM. If you are a Master Mason and have not volunteered for a position you are also welcome to attend. If you need any additional information please let me know. In November, we will be conducting elections and finally in December we will install our new lodge officers.

I am also very excited about Bro. de Hosson’s lecture on the intersections between core Masonic tenets and the thought of Classical Greek philosophers this September. David has put a lot of work into his presentation and I hope you all can attend to appreciate his work.

We continue to hold our discord meetings every Wednesday and these are open for anyone to attend. If you are interested please let me know. It is a great opportunity for some of the Brothers who have moved away to catch up.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you in lodge in September.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master

August 2022 Stated Communication


We are now half way through the calendar year. I hope all of you had a restful July. I am excited to start the second half of this year as the Worshipful Master. I am very proud of all who have attended Lodge this year and hope to see many of you in the remaining months that I reside in the East. I am even more grateful for the Lodge Officers and all who have helped along the way. It is because of all of you that we are successful as a Lodge.

One lesson I have learned while sitting in the East and during my time as a Mason is to always keep an open mind and ear. There have been many brethren who have whispered wise counsel and for that I am grateful. I ask that all of you do the same, keep an open mind and ear as we continue our journey as Masons.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master

June 2022 Stated Communication


It was a great time seeing everyone at the May Stated Communication. There were quite a few officers who were unable to attend, so I wanted to thank everyone who was willing to sit in a new station to open and close the Lodge.

The proficiency of everyone in the Lodge, even in different positions, has drastically improved since I joined.It is hard to believe that my time in the East is quickly reaching its halfway point. I am very happy with all we have been able to accomplish thus far and am looking forward to the back half of the year to be even better. I know many of you have been busy and attending Lodge has been out of reach of your cable-tow; however, I encourage all of you to continue to make an effort to attend. During the first half of the year, we have had many interesting, exciting, and informative lectures, and I find myself learning more every time.

I will close by continuing to offer our Wednesday Discord chats at 7:00 PM. We meet regularly and encourage anyone to attend. It is a great way to catch up and talk things Masons. Please reach out to me if you need help connecting.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master

May 2022 Stated Communication


As our Masonic year is in full swing, I would like to say it is such a pleasure to be back in person and see so many of you attending Lodge. In April, we had both a very spirited discussion about Grand Lodge events as well as a great presentation on the “Point within a Circle.” I would always like to encourage each and every one of you, if within reach of your cable-toe, to attend Lodge. We are back to having fellowship before Lodge with delicious meals. Our Junior Warden even fired up the oven and prepared a meal from scratch in the kitchen – something I have not seen since I joined Masonry. We have spirited and lively discussions at every Lodge meeting, and I am reminded about what it means to be a Brother and a Master Mason. We have often gone late into the night continuing our fellowship conversations even after we close the Lodge. We also continue to have our lively discord conversations every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM where everyone is encouraged to join.

I hope this message finds you well and, for those of you who have not been able to make lodge this year, please try to attend. We would all be happy to see you.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB Stephen Motroni
Worshipful Master