January 2017 Stated Communication

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Season’s Greetings Brethren!

I would first like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a happy New Year! I am very excited for 2017, as I am sure many of you are. This is generally the time of year that people begin setting goals for the New Year and coming up with their New Year Resolutions, only to forget about them a couple of weeks in. Luckily for us, the goals and objectives for our Lodge will not be forgotten and pushed off to another day or year. We are lucky to have so many capable, willing, and accountable Brethren that I know can ensure that our goals for 2017 are met with pride.

Our goals this year are focused around providing high quality degree rituals, bringing in candidates we know will benefit from the Craft and who are excited about receiving more light from Masonry, and also giving back and making our presence more known in our local communities.

That being said, we will be conferring a Fellowcraft Degree on Friday, February 3rd. This should pro- vide ample time for each Brother to practice for the degree. It is my hope to coordinate two in person degree team practices before the evening of February 3rd. I encourage each Brother to do their best to perform their place’s or station’s role in the degree work. We have been inching closer and closer over the years toward performing quality degree work, and have significantly reduced our dependence on outside assistance. It is my hope we can continue that progression and continue to grow in our knowledge, understanding, and application of the lessons we teach in each of the degrees. The applica- tions of the lessons are truly the important parts, and we have to do our best to communicate those lessons clearly and effectively.

This month, Worshipful Brother Ron Perkins, P.M., ascended to meet the Great Architect. He was an active member of our Lodge since before my initiation and was always a beacon of positivity and light for all Masons alike. Lodge won’t be the same without W.B. Perkins around, but we can rest assured knowing he is no longer sick or suffering and has moved onto a better place. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please keep the Perkins family in your prayers.

Again, Happy Holiday and Happy New Year! Those that are traveling, please travel safely and remem- ber to practice patience out there amongst the crowds! See you all in 2017!

Sincerely and Fraternally,

James S. Parkhurst Worshipful Master

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