May 2018 Stated Communication
Greetings Brethren,
Last month we enjoyed the company and teaching from our Grand Secretary, Jeffrey Russell, P.G.M. He spoke on the Entered Apprentice degree and charge and reminded us of our duties as men and as Masons. We should always seek more light, educate ourselves and put into action those teachings, both intellectually and in a practical sense. Joining the Craft with the intent to improve yourself starts with you knocking at the door. It continues with your participation in your Lodge and the world at large to make it better. The connections we make and the good that we do does have a lasting impression on the world we live in; but you must be active to see and appreciate the wonders at work.
This month we have our Grand Visitation as well as St. John's Lodge No. 11’s second conferral of a 70 year pin. Brother William "Jack" Foster will receive his pin in recognition of his time and labor. Let's take this opportunity to celebrate his accomplishments and his service in keeping our Lodge the oldest continuously operating, unmerged Lodge in the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master