January 2019 Stated Communication


It is an honor today to compose my first message from the East. First, thank you to all who joined us at the 173rd Annual Installation of St. John’s Lodge No. 11 officers. It was a great event and a great night which culminated in an evening of merriment at Republic. Thank you W.B. James Parkhurst, P.M., for that very emotional presentation of the gift you and our father created. It was very touching.

I’m going to take a minute to expand upon something that I addressed during my installation speech. In 2019, as Worshipful Master, I am focusing our Lodge on two words – Communication and Engagement. Throughout 2019, I plan on hosting a minimum of five events each quarter. Those events include three Stated Communications, one Fellowcraft Brunch, and one open event. I have been working to develop a schedule that is engaging to the Brothers and something that en- courages us to spend more time together and to have fun! You’ll find as an addendum to this bulletin a draft schedule for all the events proposed by St. John’s Lodge No.11 through 2019.

For my first Stated Communication, January 4, I have asked Brother Chris Ruli to present his historical lecture titled “The First 25 Years of Freemasonry in DC”. Bro. Chris Ruli is an amateur historian, whose work focuses on the development of the Craft in the District of Columbia. In 2017, Chris launched From the Archives, a recurring series for the Grand Lodge of D.C.'s Voice of Freemasonry blog to highlight interesting stories and relics from the Grand Lodge archives. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Grand Lodge's Library and Museum Committee. He received his Masonic Degrees at Potomac Lodge No. 5 and serves as their historian and archivist. Bro. Ruli is a statistician by trade, who works on creating and implementing healthcare technology in the developing world.

Additionally, our February Stated has also been planned. As you all know, St. John’s Lodge No. 11 is a black tuxedo lodge, meaning our dress code includes wearing tuxedos. This is not strictly enforced and nor will it be, but we want to give all Brothers a special opportunity to buy a tuxedo. In accordance with that, Bro. Jason Lee has prepared a very special evening. He has invited a Masonic tailor who specializes in Masonic Tuxedos to join us during the February Stated. He’ll be providing fittings and opportunities to purchase a wonderfully tailored Tux. There is special Masonic pricing, which is outlined below:

  • Basic Worsted Wool Tuxedo (includes coat, pants, shirt, black cummerbund & black bow tie) $250+tax*

  • Basic suit (includes coat & pants only) $200+tax*

  • Black Vest & Black Bow Tie $50+tax*

  • Colored Vest & Bow Tie $65+tax*

I encourage each of you to join these wonderful events and the great events we’ll be hosting throughout 2019.

I furthermore encourage you to share with me any ideas or thoughts you may have as to events and other fun activities that would promote engagement amongst the brethren. I am an open book and very much willing to consider any and all ideas. I look forward to a great year! I hope you’re as excited as I am!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.