August 2020 Virtual Communication

Special Announcement: St. John's Lodge No. 11 will continue to host our monthly meetings virtually. For the foreseeable future, invitations to join the meeting will be sent via email to all Brethren for each month. 

“The greatest gift that God grants us—the ability to change the trajectory of history.” 

― Dexter Palmer, Version Control 


Our Virtual June Stated meeting was, by all measures, an historic event. While we had limited ability to truly experience the art and ceremony of the Masonic experience, we did manage to move some particularly … frustrating… updates to our bylaws. While these updates still have a long journey ahead of them as they pass through the review of the Grand Lodge, we have completed our portion of this process. 

As I have previously mentioned, Masonry does not change quickly; believing that change for change sake is wasteful, and that which is set in stone is not easily altered. And yet, as with our bylaws, change is often needed. As we have been writing our own Masonic history, we are also witness to (and many participants in) significant change in our communities and nation. 

To quote from our Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons, Michael D. Nicholas, Sr., statement on the destruction of the Albert Pike statue in our Nation’s Capital, “By looking forward instead of backward, we make progress in improving ourselves and our nation as we strive to build a more perfect Union.” Of note, we're building a more perfect Union, which means there is always time for improvement of our design. Through this process, we as Masons must remember that conflict is not the preferred path to a solution. Every perspective is valid to the individual’s position. Through questions, not questioning, we can better understand other perspectives and in doing so help to find an equally accommodating path to a solution. 

This concept of engaging in active discussion, not questioning or confronting others, has been an ongoing process for me personally. And one I hope to continue to improve. It is easy for me to mistakenly slip into “Devil’s Advocate” when I should simply be impartial. 

So Brethren, as we approach our August Virtual State communication, I challenge each of you to choose something in yourself to improve; be it your EA Catechism, our Opening and Closing ritual, or just being a better listener. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Jason Lee
Worshipful Master

Full Trestle Board available here. More info here.

Special Announcement - June 2020 Virtual Communication

St John's Lodge No. 11 will be hosting a virtual official meeting to vote on the bylaws and conduct any other needed business. In accordance with the guidance of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, only Brethren who Register will be able to attend

Prior to the meeting, all active Brethren of St. John’s Lodge No.11 will receive an email from the WebEx system. This email will contain a link to register for the meeting. You MUST register for the meeting PRIOR to the meeting. Please do so no later than JUNE 4TH. If you do not register, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ATTEND. 

*If we do not have your email, or if you do not have email, please contact Brother Secretary for alternate instructions. 

June 2020 Virtual Communication

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. “ 
-Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. 


The Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia has passed down official notification that all Masonic in-person activities are cancelled until further notice. While this does not surprise any of us, it does set disappointment in my heart, that we must endure through the pandemic before we can again share our brotherly companionship. 

Hope, however, rises from those interactions we are encouraged to undertake! Through email, phone calls, and our WebEx video meetings we can find opportunities to thrive. During our May "un-stated" video meeting we received great information from Right Worshipful Brother Daniel Huertas, who shared his experience with the loans and grants of the recent COVID-19 relief act. Thank you again RWB for your time and the opportunity to learn from your experience. 

Listening to RWB Huertas explain that he was able to bring back so many employees was an inspiration to the entrepreneurial spirit. Likewise the virtual meetings clearly help us uplift our individual spirits! In spite of our still long path ahead, I found an additional glimmer of home from our socializing (where several good laughs and a few drams of Spirit helped lubricate the process, I assure you). 

St. John's Lodge is well and beyond over one hundred years old. As a result our fore-officers were in a very similar situation during the "Spanish Influenza" of 1918. In addition to the archival treasure trove of information their meeting minutes may offer (we don't yet know the full extent because it's still being researched), I can guarantee one thing; St. John's Lodge weathered a pandemic before, and we can do it again! 

While I eagerly await the opportunity to drop the gavel upon our next in-person meeting, I have taken a great deal of spiritual recharge from our more modern endeavors. While we can't meet across a table at the "Masonic Annex," we can continue to meet virtually. And I hope to see an ever growing number of our members (and future guests) as we continue to weather this storm together. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Jason Lee
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestle Board available here. More info here.

CALLED OFF - May Stated Communication - CALLED OFF


 While this bulletin has found its way to you during trying times, please know that your Brethren remain fraternally by your side. If there is any way we can help, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. 

During these times we have found that our lives focus points have shifted, for many of us drastically. And as each of us becomes familiar with our temporary new-norm, I ask that we each remember to reach out to our neighbors, both immediate and distant, and maintain those bonds we have built. To this end St. John’s has initiated bi-monthly “virtual meetings” for continued camaraderie and enrichment. 

While these meetings do not include any ritual and the conduct of business is strictly prohibited, our first endeavor was a success with WB D.W. Stephenson presenting on Covid-19. WB Stephenson is a professional healthcare provider with decades of experience, and his perspective pulled from various sources and helped keep us informed. Thank you, Worshipful Brother, for your time and research! Our next endeavor is yet to be “themed” but I am working to develop a program that works virtually and keeps us informed and entertained. As with our previous virtual meeting, this will not be a closed-to-Masons event (though our first meeting was only members), but will be open; so feel free to participate from open areas and include anyone who is interested. 

I look forward to the opportunity to meet with everyone in person and know that we are blessed with the technology to span our separation. Until such time as we can once again meet upon the level floor of the Lodge, may the Grand Architects watch over you and your loved ones. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Jason Lee
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here.

CALLED OFF - April Stated Communication - CALLED OFF


Masonry isn't known far and wide as an environment for innovation. That which is cut from stone is not easily modified and when it is required it is a process that should not be trifled with. For these reasons we as Masons take great pains to confirm all of our actions are correct and in both the letter and spirit of what is needed.

For those in attendance at our March Stated, you were a witness to that process as we undertook some of our more… uninteresting labors. Fear not brothers, this is not the routine!

We also had the excitement of our Entered Apprentice Degree, which was beautifully executed. There is more and more that I personally take away from this degree each time I witness it. For our EA brethren, the wisdom of the experience is lost on you in your “youth” but will become more and more insightful each time that you are privileged to witness.

My particular thanks and congratulations to our degree team, and those who stepped up last minute to fill positions as they were needed. I am personally honored to have seen everything come together so smoothly.

Special Cancellations: Out of an overabundance of caution, it has been decided to cancel all Masonic events until mid-May. This cancels our March Madness event on the 21st, and the April and the May Stated Communications. We will endeavor to offer an alternative fraternal opportunity later in the year, and we are exploring a Special Communication for July. Thank you all for your understanding and please, wash your hands.

COVID-19 Relief: While St. John's Lodge has its hands tied in providing any immediate relief to any of our Brethren who are adversely financially impacted by the quarantine efforts, the Grand Lodge and several Masonic organizations have established relief funds to help us through these times. If you find yourself in a destitute situation, please reach out to me or any of our senior officers; we will gladly research what can be offered to help!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Jason Lee
Worshipful Master

Full Trestle Board available here. More info here.

March 2020 Stated Communication


 A fantastic March bulletin to each of you, Brethren! 

We never really had much of a cool-down this Winter, so the warming of Spring may feel like it's coming early, but rest assured Spring is at our gate and ready to knock! And with the changing seasons come new opportunities for fellowship and camaraderie. 

In addition to making new Masons at March's Stated, we will find more opportunities to share our time together at the March Madness viewing party! Planned for Saturday, March 21st, at Pinstripes in Bethesda, MD (11920 Grand Park Ave, North Bethesda, MD 20852), we are looking into booking bowling and bocce ball lanes for our families to enjoy. Appetizers, drinks, and meals will be available for purchase while we watch the Round 2 games! How will your bracket hold up? 

Due to planning needs, we ask that you R.S.V.P. to this event to help us gauge the involvement and what we should book for space or purchase for refreshments. Follow the link to respond with your anticipated involvement; there is no obligation or cost associated with your response. 

Wherever our paths may cross in our travels, I look forward to seeing you in our journeys! 

Places and Stations: The Tiler is the outer guard of our Lodge, and serves as the last line of defense for the admission of proper Masons. While it may seem a trivial position in our contemporary setting, it should be noted that, historically, the duty of the Tiler is to truly protect the secrets we have sworn ourselves to maintain. What good is our secrecy if a “spy” managed to sneak into our proceedings? Relevant to our own experiences, the Tiler allows us to invite non-Masons to our events and ensues that, while we conduct our ritual, they are not tempted to “lift the vail” and, in doing so, betray our trust in our invitation. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Jason Lee 
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

February 2020 Stated Communication


Fraternal greeting my Brethren, 

The instruction for our January Stated was, I believe, an outstanding opportunity to expand our understanding of both Prince Hall and DC Grand Lodge Masons. As our ending discussion with W.B. James R. Morgan highlighted, it is fraternal opportunities like our invitation for him to lecture which breakdown both the real and perceived barriers between our lodges. It doesn't hurt that the storied history that was laid before us was worthy of a Ken Burns documentary narrated by David McCullough! 

This program was a pleasure to arrange and an honor to host as Worshipful Master. I draw your attention to this, because it is your lodge and your bulletin; we, the officers of the lodge, simply deliver it to you. As I serve my year in the East, I hope to help each of you (even those who do not read the bulletin) find some way in which St. John's Lodge No. 11 adds value to your life. Lectures, such as W.B. Morgan's and other opportunities for education, are only one of our Lodge's illuminations; we've enjoyed paint nights, tours, and even March Madness events (hint: we have another March event in the planning for 2020). But these events are not simply for my enjoyment as Worshipful Master, they are also for your benefit. So please don't hesitate to communicate your ideas and desires with me or any of our senior Lodge Officers; we serve to improve ourselves in Masonry. 

Places and Stations: In the recent past, St. John's Lodge No. 11 has been blessed with a capable and energetic Organist. When available, a Lodge Musical Director or Organist provides a level of gravitas that is truly immeasurable, and one whose history stretches back farther than Mozart and Beethoven. Unfortunately, the length of Bro. Boksan's cable tow has pulled him north to Pennsylvania, but he maintains his fraternal membership with St. John's Lodge No. 11. I do hope to welcome him as a guest sometime soon, and perhaps someday we will add a second musically inclined Brother to our membership. who knows, the next monsieur who asks you the question could find an outlet for their musical talent! 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Jason Lee
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

January 2020 Stated Communication



Fantastic installation and my thanks to everyone who helped make December's Stated Communication such a wonderful experience! As illuminated in my first speech to the lodge, my goal for the coming year is the sharing of light through outreach, teaching, and social gatherings. So look to 2020 for events for you, your families and friends to experience many opportunities with our Brethren. 

Places and Stations: There are many "jobs" that keep our lodge running smoothly. But aside from the most notably Pillar and Line Officer positions, many of you may not know what other opportunities exist in the lodge. This month I would like to thank Bro. Colin Timbers, who helps assembly this bulletin for distribution. Without Bro. Timbers, we would not meet our mandatory notification requirements and could very well be at risk of losing our charter for failure to provide due and timely notice! While the length of Bro. Timbers' cable tow prevents him from regular attendance at lodge, he has proven his fraternal obligation still rests with St. John's Lodge No. 11, and we thank him for his continued service. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Jason Lee
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

December 2019 Stated Communication



Congratulations to the Brethren as you have successfully elected your 2020 leadership! Bro Senior Warden, Jason Lee, has successfully passed the prerequisites to sit in the East! I know that those tests can be very challenging and your successful passing highlights the commitment to the Craft that you have shown and will continue to show as you guide this lodge forward in 2020.

As you know, at the previous stated communication the 4th Quarter Fellowcraft Brunch was postponed in order to allow the brothers to go and enjoy the World Series Champion Washington National’s Championship Parade! I saw a lot of great photos, and it appeared that the Brethren had a great time celebrating this amazing accomplishment. The Fellowcraft Brunch will be re-scheduled in early January and will serve to set the 2020 schedule, goals, and objectives.

Remember that the December Stated Communication is the installation of the 2020 Officers, which is an open event. This is a great way to include your family and allow them to see some of the ceremony of Freemasonry.

Please remember that dues were due before October. Our Lodge has made it easy to make electronic payments. To do so, please visit the Lodge website and go to the “Store.” You can make your payment there.

Thank you to each and every one of you! It was an honor and a privilege to serve all of you from the East this year.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

November 2019 Stated Communication



Wow, what a year it has been. This is my penultimate bulletin as Worshipful Master of St. John’s Lodge No. 11 – how has a year gone by so quickly.

Thank you to all the brethren who showed up and performed an absolutely amazing Master Mason Degree. In the seven years that I’ve been with St. John’s Lodge No. 11, I’ve seen such growth and commitment amongst the brethren to be able to perform rituals. I congratulate all of our newly raised Master Masons and welcome them as full members of their Blue Lodge. You have received much light but remember that Freemasonry is an individual journey, one that will reward you for the amount of time and effort you put into understanding and honing your craft.

Thank you to everyone that showed up to the Fall Festival at Homestead Farms and who celebrated an amazing Sunday afternoon at Rockland Farms Winery. I believe what makes our Lodge amazing is doing things both inside the Lodge as well as outside the Lodge and events like this open the opportunity for Brothers to get to know one another and their families.

The November stated communication is going to be a very special event because we will be deciding the 2020 Lodge Leadership team.

It has been a pleasure serving you all from the Ornamental Chair this year. We’ve done a lot of fun things and I hope that you have enjoyed this past year as much as I have.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.