October 2019 Stated Communication

Greetings Brethren, 

2019 is quickly closing up around us, and what a year it has been. I started out this year focused on two strategic initiatives, communication and engagement. One goal was to schedule five events per quarter: three stated communications, one Fellowcraft brunch, and one social event. To date, there have been three Fellowcraft brunches (including one in September), and three social events including a NCAA tournament watch party at Two Silos, a joint Table Lodge, and a crab fest (partnered with a stated communication). 

As you know, at the October Stated Communication we will be conferring the Master Mason degree. Please note that at the September Stated Communication, it was decided that following the October Stated Communication merriment and celebration would occur at Shelly’s Back Room. I encourage you all to participate in the Stated Communication helping us welcome the new Master Masons and celebrating with them afterwards. It will be a lot of fun. 

A social event is also scheduled for October. On Sunday, October 13, we have scheduled an outing to go apple picking/fall activities at Homestead Farms in Poolesville, MD. This family friendly event is a great way for brothers to bring their families out, enjoy some good wholesome fall fun, and then cool off with some local libations. We plan on shooting over to the local winery after the fun is had at the farm. I plan on being there and bringing my whole family. 

The journey of Masonry is one that we do both alone and within a group. It’s on us individually to be prepared and to show up, but we do this with the help of our other brothers, friends, and families. You will get more out of Masonry every day and year the more you engage with us. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sean Parkhurst 
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

September 2019 Stated Communication



Greetings from the East, and I hope that your summer has been filled with laughter and love.

The Lodge held a very successful Crab Fest at the August Stated Communication. We had a coming together of multiple generations of Brothers, parents, and children. I personally felt that the Lodge was filled with warmth and fellowship.

It is these types of events that I believe build bonds between the Brothers through fellowship and getting to know each other and our families. The journey in Masonry is a personal journey, but one that is traveled with friends, family, and other supporters.

We are now on the back side of the Masonic year’s curve. We are in the final stretch, and, as such, we’ll have a lot of important stated communications coming up. Starting with September’s Stated that is Wardens’ Night and each line officer will be moving up one seat. Please be prepared. We’ll follow that with conferring the Third Degree in October, Elections in November, and Installation of Officers in December. Take due notice.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

August 2019 Stated Communication


I hope you are all enjoying your summer break. Coming out of July reminds me of how much I enjoy spending time with all of my brothers. The summer months are a great time for us to spend time with our family and friends enjoying summer activities such as boating, swimming, barbecuing, and other activities.

In the spirit of these fun summer activities the August Stated Communication is going to focus on fun and brotherhood. At the August Stated Communication we will have a Crab Fest for dinner. We will be providing Maryland’s finest blue crabs, all the fixings, and good beer to wash it all down.

The evening will be a casual event, as I certainly don’t want to have crab all over my tux!

Lodge business will still be held but we will keep it as short as possible to ensure that we have the maximum amount of time to have some fun and fraternity.

Please feel free to invite your friends or potential candidates to the event as well as your significant others. Please email Brother Junior Warden that you plan on attending so that we can order the right amount of crabs.

I look forward to seeing all of you then!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

June 2019 Stated Communication



Spring will soon be over and Summer is right around the corner. This transition of Spring to Summer reminds me that there are only six more months that I sit in the East, a little more than half of the year has gone by. We have accomplished a lot over the past six months, but there is still more to accomplish. 

This June we are conferring the Fellowcraft Degree. This is one of my favorite degrees, and I am looking forward to as many of you showing up as possible. Let’s all put on an amazing experience for our worthy brethren. 

As a reminder, we are dark in July. This time away gives us a chance to celebrate the birth of our nation with our family and friends. Enjoy that time. It also provides us an opportunity to get together in July for a family friendly BBQ. If you have any ideas or thoughts as to what or where you’d like to have a BBQ please don’t hesitate to let me know. 

I look forward to seeing everyone in June! Please be prepared. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sean Parkhurst 
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

May 2019 Stated Communication



I very much missed all the brethren while I was absent at the April Stated Communication. The time away provided me some quality time alone with my wife, away from the kids and away from the stresses and struggles of professional demands, to celebrate our 5th anniversary. While I was thinking about all the things she and I have gone through together over this short five year period, I also realized that she has been with me through my entire journey through Masonry. She was there at the first family appreciation dinner, where I was provided the first pamphlet of Masonry. Masonry isn’t a journey we make alone. It’s a journey we make with our brothers and our family by our side. 

The opportunity to present a 60-year pin to Worshipful Brother Ed Rupert this past month also provided me insight into where I might be in 60 years, and the brothers and family members that I’ll meet along the way. 

There is a great opportunity to celebrate Masonry and to meet and network with other brothers at the Joint Table Lodge scheduled on May 15 at the Odd Fellows Temple on 7th street. Grab your tickets now. I know I’ll be there! 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sean Parkhurst 
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

April 2019 Stated Communication



Greetings and salutations from the East. It is an honor to be the Worshipful Master of this amazing Lodge. Our previous stated communication was an amazing example of dedication, flexibility, and commitment. As many of you know, our March stated communication was very busy. We started the evening off with a tuxedo fitting which was well received. We were then visited by the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the Grand Lodge officers for our annual Grand Lodge Visitation. I provided a report regarding the progress of St. John’s Lodge No. 11 and the great things we’re doing in 2019. We were not done then. We followed up the Grand Visitation with the performance of the Enter Apprentice Degree. Our degree team did an amazing job in front of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, M.W.B. Chrbel Fahed, and other members of the Grand Lodge. I applaud each and every one of you for putting on a great evening for our Grand Lodge and for our newest Brothers. 

The April bulletin marks the end of our first quarter and the end of my first quarter as a Worshipful Master. These past three months have been busy. We had three stated communications, a Fellowcraft brunch, and we have a social event coming up in a couple of weeks. I hope that this first quarter has been as fun and engaging for you as it has been for me. 

I will not be in attendance at the April stated communication. The April stated will be a Past Master’s Night led by W.B. James S. Parkhurst, P.M.. 

Until then, please remember that we have a N.C.A.A. March Madness Watch Party on March 23 from 12:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. at the 2 Silos Brewery in Manassas, VA. I look forward to seeing you there. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sean Parkhurst 
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

March 2019 Stated Communication



The beginning of this year has proven to be a very busy season in my life. We all go through seasonal changes in our lives and in Masonry. My busy season is forcing me to make tough decisions. The decisions are directly tied to the amount of time I have in the day to accomplish the tasks set out before me. I know each and every one of you experience these challenges as well. What we end up doing is prioritizing our obligations and our commitments. As the Worshipful Master, I have committed to our Lodge and to each and every one of you. Time passes on and, sometimes, making and adhering to a commitment is challenging. Take in point this bulletin. Time has slipped, and I have missed my initial deadline. I take full responsibility for that. But this is a good lesson in Masonry. We are taught and teach our candidates and Brothers to function within their cable-tow. We ask Brothers to participate if something is within their cable-tow to do so. 

That cable-tow is many different lengths for many different Brothers. I ask you to evaluate the length of your cable-tow and see if there are a couple more inches available for the Lodge and the great things we’re doing in 2019. 

The March Stated is turning out to be a very busy day. We have two very fun and exciting events occurring. The first is the Grand Lodge Visitation. We are very excited to welcome M.W.B. Charbel T. Fahed, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, into St. John’s Lodge No. 11 and report to him the progress we’ve made and are making in 2019. The second is that we’re welcoming three new candidates into the first step in Masonry. If it’s within your cable-tow to participate, please do. 

Also, on March 23, 2019, we are all getting together to watch some NCAA basketball at 2 Silos Brewing in Manassas. It is a very family friendly brewery that is full service. It’ll be great! 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sean Parkhurst 
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

February 2019 Stated Communication


What a way to kick off 2019! The January Stated Communication was a very fun and informational event. We had a guest speaker, Bro. Chris Ruli, who enlightened the Lodge with his informative lecture on the “First 25 Years of Masonry in the District.” He did a wonderful job and spread much light on our history and the history of our craft in Washington, D.C.

The 2019 year is off to a great start, and we’re looking forward to another fun and exciting event in February. Bro. S.W., Jason Lee, has coordinated with a Masonic Brother to come in and perform tuxedo fittings. The pricing is great, approximately $250 for a tux and some accessories. If it is within your cable-tow, please join us. It certainly will be fun!

The Lodge is scheduling an Entered Apprentice Degree for March. Right now we have three worthy men that we will be welcoming into this great Fraternity. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible over the next couple of months!

If you have feedback or ideas for events or you’re dying to learn more about a specific topic, please reach out to me directly and share it. I’ll do everything I can to incorporate as many ideas as I receive.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

January 2019 Stated Communication


It is an honor today to compose my first message from the East. First, thank you to all who joined us at the 173rd Annual Installation of St. John’s Lodge No. 11 officers. It was a great event and a great night which culminated in an evening of merriment at Republic. Thank you W.B. James Parkhurst, P.M., for that very emotional presentation of the gift you and our father created. It was very touching.

I’m going to take a minute to expand upon something that I addressed during my installation speech. In 2019, as Worshipful Master, I am focusing our Lodge on two words – Communication and Engagement. Throughout 2019, I plan on hosting a minimum of five events each quarter. Those events include three Stated Communications, one Fellowcraft Brunch, and one open event. I have been working to develop a schedule that is engaging to the Brothers and something that en- courages us to spend more time together and to have fun! You’ll find as an addendum to this bulletin a draft schedule for all the events proposed by St. John’s Lodge No.11 through 2019.

For my first Stated Communication, January 4, I have asked Brother Chris Ruli to present his historical lecture titled “The First 25 Years of Freemasonry in DC”. Bro. Chris Ruli is an amateur historian, whose work focuses on the development of the Craft in the District of Columbia. In 2017, Chris launched From the Archives, a recurring series for the Grand Lodge of D.C.'s Voice of Freemasonry blog to highlight interesting stories and relics from the Grand Lodge archives. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Grand Lodge's Library and Museum Committee. He received his Masonic Degrees at Potomac Lodge No. 5 and serves as their historian and archivist. Bro. Ruli is a statistician by trade, who works on creating and implementing healthcare technology in the developing world.

Additionally, our February Stated has also been planned. As you all know, St. John’s Lodge No. 11 is a black tuxedo lodge, meaning our dress code includes wearing tuxedos. This is not strictly enforced and nor will it be, but we want to give all Brothers a special opportunity to buy a tuxedo. In accordance with that, Bro. Jason Lee has prepared a very special evening. He has invited a Masonic tailor who specializes in Masonic Tuxedos to join us during the February Stated. He’ll be providing fittings and opportunities to purchase a wonderfully tailored Tux. There is special Masonic pricing, which is outlined below:

  • Basic Worsted Wool Tuxedo (includes coat, pants, shirt, black cummerbund & black bow tie) $250+tax*

  • Basic suit (includes coat & pants only) $200+tax*

  • Black Vest & Black Bow Tie $50+tax*

  • Colored Vest & Bow Tie $65+tax*

I encourage each of you to join these wonderful events and the great events we’ll be hosting throughout 2019.

I furthermore encourage you to share with me any ideas or thoughts you may have as to events and other fun activities that would promote engagement amongst the brethren. I am an open book and very much willing to consider any and all ideas. I look forward to a great year! I hope you’re as excited as I am!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sean Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

December 2018 Special Communication


Reminder! December’s Stated Communication has been cancelled. The Master has called a Special Communication for Friday, December 14th. We will be installing the 2019 St. John’s Officers. The installation will be open to family and guests.

Happy Holidays Brethren,

Last month, we conferred the Master Mason degree upon our three Fellowcraft Brothers, held elections, and hosted a number of guests. In addition to raising three of our own Brothers, we helped The Eagle Lodge No. 1893 and Temple-Noyes-Cathedral Lodge No. 32 each raise one of theirs. The degree was also attended by visiting Brethren from Canada who had a blast experiencing how DC does the Third Degree. I was able to share with Brother Kevan Schanberger the experience of Washington Potomac Royal Arch Chapter No. 8's bicentennial and the installation of W.B. James Frederique of L'Haitienne Lodge No. 925 all in one weekend.

This month the Grand Lodge will hold their annual banquet, which is always a good time of elegance and fellowship. We will be installing our 2019 officers at our December 14th Special Communication extending our Lodge's history to its 173rd year of existence.

This year is nearing its close, and we have so much in which to be proud of. I can happily say that we have, and continue to achieve, the important practices of a strong lodge. We have initiated, passed, and raised three of our own Brothers; put on enjoyable events (such as our paint night); been active in the wider DC Masonic community; supported charitable efforts across the nation; and much more. We have improved the community at large by our actions and, in doing so, have improved ourselves. It has been a great pleasure and honor to serve as Worshipful Master of St. John’s Lodge No. 11 this year, and I look forward to seeing what our elected line has in store in the upcoming years.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.