November 2018 Stated Communication

Reminder! December’s Stated Communication has been cancelled. The Master has called a Special Communication for Friday, December 14th. We will be installing the 2019 St. John’s Officers. The installation will be open to family and guests. 

Greetings Brethren, 

Last month we had a preview of what's to come for our Lodge. Warden's Night has shown that we have Brothers ready and willing to step up to lead our Lodge. Brother Sean's message of communication and engagement is particularly important for us. As a Fraternity, as Brothers, we should be coming out to Lodge to experience our Masonic journey together. Looking back on our journey is all the more special when you can say "remember when we..." and our band of Brothers can directly relate. Special thanks to Brothers Scott Heath and Stephen Motroni for jumping multiple chairs. It was also wonderful to have W.B. Bob Johnson, P.M., and his family spend time with us. 

This month we have the duty and honor of conferring the Master Mason's degree on three worthy Brethren. We have done this conferral year after year, and we should make sure that we engage them in the mysteries of Freemasonry so that as they search for light we can stand side by side and enhance our shared masonic experience. Our newest Master Masons will also be able to vote for the first time in our elections. Every Brother is highly encouraged to join us in electing the future of St. John's Lodge No. 11 and providing input on what they want to see as the Lodge goes forward – maybe a St. John's Lodge trip to another Lodge or a group visit to a Worshipful Brother in the Big Easy, who knows! Come, participate and transform the Lodge; after all, YOU knocked at the door. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master 

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

October 2018 Stated Communication


Greetings Brethren!

Since last month’s meeting where we heard about appellate bodies of Masonry including York Rite, Scottish Rite, Shriners and others, some of us have taken that next step for more light in Masonry by joining one or more of those organizations. It truly is a good thing when we expand our knowledge of Masonry while contributing to the well being of others. As many of those who attended know, in addition to teaching about Masonry every appellate body and most lodges have some type of charity they support. If you have an affinity to help a particular group there is likely a matching appellate body to meet your wishes. Ask others and learn more about these groups and how you can contribute to the very worthy causes they support. 

While our Wardens, Deacons and Secretary were enjoying themselves at the Leadership conference, I visited Union #6 for a spirited discussion on Transgender Masonry. Union #6 always has interesting “Graduate” Masonry topics to discuss and you don’t have to be a past master to attend. If in your cable tow visit another lodge and see what else is going on around our jurisdiction. 

On another note, St. John’s was invited to Anacostia Lodge’s Ocktoberfest themed table lodge with authentic German food and homebrewed Märzen beer! As always, a great time with great fellowship with our Brothers from Anacostia #21. 

October’s stated will be a Warden’s Night. A night I have long sought ☺. It will be a great chance for upcoming line officers to challenge themselves and the conversation is very important to the future of the lodge. Your input and attendance are highly encouraged. The best way for us to move forward every year is to involve ourselves in the business and activities of the lodge. Everyone’s support is essential to maintaining the strength of our lodge and eventually taking on a bigger role in the jurisdiction at large. The following morning, we will be having our Fellowcraft brunch at Royal Restaurant to continue the discussion and collaborate in better detail the upcoming year. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Stated and Fellowcraft Brunch. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sam W. Chin 
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

September 2018 Stated Communication


Greetings Brethren,

I hope everyone and their families enjoyed the Paint and Sip event we hosted. Through everyone’s hard work, we were able to show our guests from Brazil that Masonry in the District is vibrant and bright. The roar heard over the evening reinforces Masonry’s bond between good men, our families, and friends. I know we will have continued success with events like this in the coming years.

As the summer officially ends, we are now back to labor beginning with learning about Masonry outside of Blue Lodge. We will have speakers from the Scottish Rite, York Rite, and Shriners in attendance so that we may learn about the avenues to further improve in our Craft and reach out to those in need. Additionally, Past Master Bob Johnson and his daughter, Juliana, will be speaking on lodge branding. We know we are a strong Lodge with much to contribute, and we want the community to recognize St. John’s Lodge No. 11 as a contributing factor in its improvement. Be it Masonry, in general, or St. John’s Lodge No. 11, in particular, branding ourselves helps to improve our image so that others may know us, too.

Finally, a quick look back on our Hands on DC effort. Thanks again to W.B. James Parkhurst, P.M., for starting and leading St. John’s Lodge No. 11 into this charitable effort and to those that have been able to donate their time to improve/prepare a school in the District for the upcoming school year. Having young children myself, I can see the direct impact this event has on the morale of students, faculty and staff when they enter school on that crucial first day.

I very much look forward to seeing everyone at our stated communications to reflect on these experiences, share in fellowship, and to work together on our future endeavors.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

August 2018 Stated Communication


Greetings Brethren!

Our last meeting was another great step for St. John's No. 11 – passing our Entered Apprentice brethren to the degree of Fellowcraft. A good job was done by all and well received by our surprise guests, Grand Master Richard Bautista and Deputy Grand Master Charbel Fahed. Congratulate our newly obligated Brothers when you get the chance.

This summer so far has been a busy one. A couple of us made it to the multicultural dinner for the Universal Brotherhood Celebration where there was music, dancing, and, of course, food representing the different cultures that make up our Grand Jurisdiction. I was able to participate in an outdoor Master Mason's Degree which was performed completely by sitting Worshipful Masters of the jurisdiction! My thanks to R.W.B. Chip Mahaney for pulling the whole thing together and allowing me to join in. A number of us celebrated Anacostia Lodge No. 21’s 150th anniversary and ensuing after party at the annex (Shelly's). We had great fellowship that night and received commemorative coins and pins for the occasion. On our Nation's Independence Day, I participated in the Takoma Park parade and handed out flags and smiles to the citizens of our community along with my wife and brethren from a number of other Lodges that meet in Takoma Masonic Center. It was a rewarding experience, one that I hope everyone will share in at future parades. Finally, we had more summertime fun hosted by Washington-Daylight Lodge No. 14 at Past Grand Master Jesse Villareal's home for a crab feast and cookout. It's a great feeling to see such fellowship uniting so many lodges and families. This summer has been filled with so many opportunities to experience Masonry and fellowship and set the example for how our society should be – happy, caring, and full of fun. This is what I believe Masonry is all about!

At our August Stated, expect to finish out the summer with another fun family friendly event. We will be hosting a Paint and Sip night. Uncork'd Art will be sending an artist to guide us through a Masonic themed painting. And due to the event, lodge attire will be casual!

I hope everyone has spent their summer relaxing and recharging and I look forward to seeing everyone for Paint Night!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

June 2018 Stated Communication

Greetings Brethren!

Another busy month is behind us. To recap, we conferred our second well deserved 70 year pin to Brother Jack Foster during our Grand Visitation. We received positive feedback from the Grand Lodge on our health and status as a Lodge. Brothers Jason Lee and Jamie Hall became Scottish Rite Masons and then they became Almas Shriners along with R.W.B. Chip Mahaney and me. The Grand Master rescinded his previous decision to pardon an accused Brother and a Grand Lodge vote was held to forgive him instead which was approved by the majority.

Looking at this month, we will be conferring the Fellowcraft Degree on three Brothers who are seeking further light in Masonry. Let’s ensure we give them the light they seek and another performance to remember. As is our duty as Masons, we are to be charitable and will be giving our time and support to “Hands on DC” to help spruce up a local school in the District as we did last year. Do not forget to sign up!

Universal Brotherhood Weekend is also coming up June 7th-9th. On Friday, June 8th there is a feast where family is included to share in greater fellowship and each participating lodge brings a dish. Saturday will be a multi-lingual meeting where each chair is performed in a different language. A true sign of the universality of Masonry.

While the Lodge will be dark in July, we will still be active while we participate in the various Fourth of July parades around the DC area and spend some time at Washington-Daylight Lodge’s Annual picnic on July 21st. Separate flyers will be sent out as well as additional e-mails.

Remember our time here is short. Let’s take advantage of the blessing of time and be Active Masons and be true to our tenets, obligations, and most of all to each other.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

May 2018 Stated Communication

Greetings Brethren,

Last month we enjoyed the company and teaching from our Grand Secretary, Jeffrey Russell, P.G.M. He spoke on the Entered Apprentice degree and charge and reminded us of our duties as men and as Masons. We should always seek more light, educate ourselves and put into action those teachings, both intellectually and in a practical sense. Joining the Craft with the intent to improve yourself starts with you knocking at the door. It continues with your participation in your Lodge and the world at large to make it better. The connections we make and the good that we do does have a lasting impression on the world we live in; but you must be active to see and appreciate the wonders at work.

This month we have our Grand Visitation as well as St. John's Lodge No. 11’s second conferral of a 70 year pin. Brother William "Jack" Foster will receive his pin in recognition of his time and labor. Let's take this opportunity to celebrate his accomplishments and his service in keeping our Lodge the oldest continuously operating, unmerged Lodge in the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

April 2018 Stated Communication

Greetings Brethren,


First, I’d like to congratulate our newest Brethren on joining the oldest continuously operating un-merged lodge in DC. You are now a part of history! There is much to learn in Masonry and from it. The best way to educate yourself is to ask well informed Brethren and be active by involving yourself in all that we do as you progress further into the mysteries. This month we will expand our insight into the meaning of what we are charged to do as men and as Freemasons. The Entered Apprentice charge is especially good at laying that foundation with the conversation being lead by our Grand Secretary Jeffrey Russell, P.G.M.

I know it is early, but I must mention our May visitation by Grand Lodge because of the special conferral of a 70 year pin to Brother William “Jack” Foster. He will be St. John’s Lodge No. 11’s second recipient joining Brother James Barnes. This is a great honor for us and well deserved for him. Please be sure to attend this special evening.

I look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

March 2018 Stated Communication

Greetings Brethren,


Another cold month is behind us. Let's take joy in the education we received last month on Masonic Etiquette by W.B. Anand Trivedi helping to fuel our Masonic fires. Since then, a number of us have had opportunities to visit other lodges to support them and bring awareness of St. John's Lodge No. 11 and its planned activities. I invite everyone to take part in the forums (Slack, Facebook, etc.) and be active, not only within our Lodge and its activities, but with our Brothers at large. Sharing fellowship is one of the most important ways to strengthen the foundation of our Craft. Also, to improve in your Masonic knowledge, it is crucial to surround yourself with those who have that knowledge to share. So get out there and see what you can learn. Bring it back to Lodge so we all can benefit from your travels.

In keeping with strengthening St. John's Lodge No 11, this month we will initiate two candidates into Masonry – another step in ensuring the future of our Lodge by bringing more good men to the Craft. Your participation in the degree in any capacity will make a long and lasting impression on the candidate and builds you into a better Mason. Our continued efforts to put on high quality degrees will not go unnoticed as we will have a Past Grand Master in attendance and a guest Worshipful Brother presenting the charge.

Thank you to everyone serving on a committee this year. We have a lot of efforts going on, and I trust the goals set will challenge us to work hard and further improve the operations and future of our Lodge.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Sam W. Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

February 2018 Stated Communication


Greetings Brethren! 

Although the winter so far has been cold, fellowship in and around St John's Lodge No. 11 is just warming up. Last month we witnessed the installation of 2018 officers. A generations old ritual where the light of Masonry is passed onto others who will take the Lodge in charge and fortify its foundation so that future generations can enjoy all the Craft has to offer. Thanks again to W.B. James Parkhurst, Past Master, for his service to the Lodge and his continued support. 

Since our last meeting, some of us were able to attend the installation of officers at Anacostia Lodge No. 21, who we will be strengthening our bond with by joining our multi-lodge picnic effort this summer. They have offered to do a joint table lodge with us which will be fun for all who can attend. 

This month, W.B. Anand will be hosting a Masonic etiquette program that will help to answer some of the most common questions and concepts many new brothers have. We have much to learn this year as we grow in knowledge and extend our hands out to other lodges and the community around us. I look forward to a busy and prosperous year filled with education and fellowship with you all. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 
Sam Chin
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.

January 2018 Stated Communication


Greetings Brethren!

Happy holidays and Happy New Year! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season and have found this time to be enjoyable and relaxing.

As you all know, we did not have a stated communication in December due to a special communication called by the Grand Master that fell on our meeting date. Unable to settle on a day that worked for all those necessary to be installed as officers, you are again hearing from me, From the East. It appears that the Grand architect has plans for me to serve the lodge just a little bit longer, which I did not expect following my early transition into the position. But hey, I’m glad to continue to serve the lodge in whichever way it calls upon!

In early December I was lucky enough, thanks to blessings of the lodge who generously voted to pay my way, attended the Grand Lodge Annual Banquet. Which I am pleased to report was extremely well attended by our Brethren and their lovely partners. The food was delicious, the drinks were refreshing, and the fellowship was beyond wonderful. I hope that in the following years you all will decide to take an evening and spend it with our fellow DC Brethren in celebration of another wonderful year!

Our next stated communication will be our installation ceremony and that will be open to all masons and friends and families. I believe even my mother and father may be in attendance! I hope that you will be there and help us bring in the new year with our new 2018 lodge officers and new Worshipful Master!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in 2018! Have a wonderful holiday season!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
James S. Parkhurst
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here. More info here.