March 2024 Stated Communication

Hello, my Brothers!

Thank you, again, to all who brought their Light to our first Lantern Lodge. What a special evening! It was awesome to sit in Lodge that evening, and I really enjoyed R.W.B. Adam Goldman’s talk on Astrology and Freemasonry. While staring out at the ocean waters and looking up at the stars on my cruise after the meeting, I thought about how ancient Traveling Men applied astronomy to guide their way. And how the knowledge of the paths of the planets led to finding deeper meanings in our daily lives.

As I shared in the Officer’s group chat after our February Communication: we are building something special at St. John’s Lodge No. 11, and I’m blessed to share this moment with you all. Let’s continue to bring our energy and passion to our monthly meetings!

A quick note, please place a hold on your calendar for our Official Visit on Friday, June 28. We will be sharing the Grand Master’s visit with a few other Lodges. I expect the Elected Officers to be in attendance and would be moved to see as many St. John’s Brethren as possible that evening.

Finally, Bro. Chris Ruli will be our speaker at the March Communication. Gavel drops at 7:00 p.m., program and light dinner at 8:00 p.m. Learn about the history of Freemasonry in our nation’s capital through Bro. Ruli's lively storytelling. This program is Open to All and a must attend for those interested in Freemasonry and American history. Don’t forget if you bring a guest — your first drink is on me!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.

February 2024 Stated Communication

Astrology of our Planets

R.W.B. Adam Goldman

Warm Fraternal Greetings,

Thanks to all who attended our Tabletop Game Night at the January Stated Communication. It was very entertaining to watch and be a part of Honey Heist games with Brothers and their guests - Go Bears!

We have another interactive program planned for our February Stated Communication, coming up on Friday, February 2nd! Our theme for the evening will be Astrology as we mark the Lunar New Year with our own Lantern Lodge night. Brothers are welcome to bring their electric (non-ignition) lanterns to Lodge. We will open and close our business meeting on the 1st Degree of Masonry (gavel drops at 7 pm) by lantern light. At 8pm, R.W.B. Adam Goldman will share his presentation, “Astrology and our Planets,” in the Lodge room, illuminated by your lantern light! R.W.B. Goldman's program is open to anyone with an interest in Freemasonry or Astrology. Complimentary pizza will be served in the Almas Shriner Bar after our business meeting; the bar will be open until 10 pm.

Please be sure to R.S.V.P. if you plan on attending and if you will be bringing a guest.

Bring your Light and help share ours!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.

January 2024 Stated Communication

My Brothers,

Warm Fraternal Greetings!

While a few weeks have passed since our December Stated Communication and Officer Installation, I am still energized to receive your calls and messages as we move to Labor in the New Year.

As I mentioned in my Installation Address, I believe that Brotherhood and Fellowship are the two most meaningful aspects in our fraternity. For this reason, there will be a few changes for the 2024 Stated Communications for you to note.

First, we will be moving the gavel time for our Lodge meetings to 7:00 P.M. You will receive a PDF agenda of the upcoming Stated Communication with the delivery of this newsletter. Please connect with me prior to our meetings with all business items you wish to discuss. My goal is to continue to run

efficient business meetings that allow us to focus on the important work of our Lodge while also allowing Brethren and visitors to enjoy our presentations following the meetings.

Second, Dinner will now be served at 8 P.M. so that we can enjoy our meal during the program for the evening. Additionally, a majority of our events and presentations will be open to anyone who has an interest in Freemasonry. I hope to see your family, friends, and fellow visiting Brethren in 2024!

With that said, the program for our January Stated Communication will be a tabletop game night. This event is Open to All. We will be playing Honey Heist ( Dinner will be pizza and there will be "prizes" for our game players. Please RSVP with Bro. Junior Warden at prior to Sunday, December 31, with your headcount for dinner and also to share your pizza recommendations or dietary restrictions. A link to RSVP is also provided in the email that brings this bulletin to you.

On behalf of my wife and family, I wish you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season and joyous New Year!

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. Michael Arce
Worshipful MasterFull Trestleboard available here.

December 2023 Stated Communication


It has been a joy and an honor to serve as your Worshipful Master for 2023. In November, I closed Lodge for the last time in 2023, and, truthfully, the gravity of the situation did not resonate with me immediately. It wasn’t until Brother Secretary, who is also the Worshipful Master of Anacostia-Pentalpha No. 21, texted me shortly after the conclusion of his last closing that the proverbial glass shattered.

This year has been an exciting test of how well our Lodge can unite when we have a common goal. Together, we have accomplished an extraordinary amount of work in such a short time, overcome difficult challenges both within our walls and throughout the jurisdiction, navigated the loss of brethren and friends, and welcomed new members to both our Lodge and family. You should all take a moment to truly reflect and appreciate the fruit of your labors.

I’m even more excited to see what 2024 brings with the election of our new Lodge officers. W.M.-elect Bro. Arce has developed a trestleboard curated to the needs of our Lodge with a vision that includes programs and events that both the Brethren and their families will enjoy all year long. The care and effort he has put into continuing to refine his trestleboard throughout the year is undoubtedly evidence showing how capable he is as a leader and that we should all feel confident in his plans.

I look forward to seeing everyone and their families at the installation ceremony during our December Stated Communication where we will join together in congratulating and celebrating the 2024 Lodge officers.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

November 2023 Stated Communication


Let me start by first commending the efforts of the Gowans Governing Language Committee and congratulating everyone on our collective efforts to organize and update the language of the funds, as well as improve the process used to manage our annual budget. At our October stated, a new version was proposed that clarified exactly what we, as a Lodge, see as allowable vs. unallowable expenses that can be spent against that fund. We clearly outlined a path to create a budget based on the performance of the account while also protecting such an important gift to the Brethren. And, with thoughtful input and clear resolve, we successfully passed the updates.

It’s extremely important that we recognize that (1) this was no small effort, especially when acknowledging the timeline in which we reached the goal line, and (2) this sets us on an exciting path toward continued improvement of our Lodge processes. We will continue to polish the rough ashlar of our current practices and resources until we have laid the groundwork for future generations within our walls to flourish.

In November, we have our annual elections of the Lodge Officers. I hope to see as many of you, or more, as we were graced with seeing in October. Remember that these Brethren will be leading the Lodge throughout 2024, and it’s vitally important that you make your voice heard.

We still have much work to do before winding down for the year, and I know that I can count on the support of you all. I look forward to seeing you November 3rd.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

October 2023 Stated Communication


Fraternal greetings! I hope that everyone is happily returning to their work following the Labor Day holiday, feeling refreshed and invigorated.

First and foremost: a reminder that if you have yet to pay your dues, please make sure to do so as soon as possible. I want to make sure that none of our brethren find themselves in arrears. If at any point you find yourself under financial burden, please know that there is a process for relief available to you.

Last month, we had a lengthy discussion on how to best approach collective frustrations with Lodge finances. We agreed that while my initial proposal was a good starting point, it needed some massaging before we expect it to work for our needs. Period-length when averaging the return on the account, acceptable expenses, and formal steps in the process were some of the specific topics that we felt needed a closer examination before moving forward. As such, it was decided that a committee would be formed to deal with the finite details that are currently missing, and to edit the language that governs how we spend the Gowans fund. We are currently on an accelerated timeline with the expectation that we will have a complete proposal ready for Lodge approval in October. I firmly believe that this will drastically improve the way that we plan and govern our Lodge, and creates a process for growth and stability.

In addition to voting on the proposed changes to the Gowans in October, we will have Brother Marcelin, the Grand Lodge Physician, in attendance for a presentation on how to use the automated external defibrillator (AED) that we have on-hand at Almas. For those of you who have been through first-aid training, you’ll know how valuable these devices are in an effort to save someone’s life. I invite you all to join for this informative lecture: “there’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’ve prepared for the worst.”

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

September 2023 Stated Communication

Cake provided by Muriel for the 2023 Joint Festive Board


A huge thank you to all who attended our August Stated! I was humbled to have so many long-time no-seers in our Lodge and enjoying the fellowship of our ice cream social. We had the added post-Lodge pleasure of enjoying Bro. Tommy Ripke’s performance a block away at Lima Twist, where he was a guest DJ for the evening and showed us just how talented he is with his music craft.

In September, I plan to discuss ways that we fund our Lodge activities, business, and fellowship going forward. You are all very familiar with, I’m sure, W.B. Treasurer’s most common phrase when giving his report that “we have money; we need more.” I intend to address this financial stressor and set our Lodge on a path towards growth and operational efficiency for all our Officers and Brethren by use of the Gowans fund. After consultation with Bro. Paul Elliott - our financial adviser, Bros. Senior Warden and Junior Warden, Bro. Heath – for the Trustees’ perspective, and Worshipful Bros. Secretary and Treasurer, I believe that we are provisioned to utilize the fund in a manner that would allow the Lodge to budget each year with a percentage of the annualized interest the fund earns without touching the principal amount, ensuring that the Gowans Fund continues to grow, we have an anticipated operational budget for planning each year, and a process exists that reduces the current barriers in planning and operating the Lodge.

The language governing the use of the Gowans Fund is: “This fund was established because of a bequeath to St. John’s Lodge No. 11 from Marvin and Vernell Gowans. The interest of this fund may be used for general Lodge operations and donations. These include, but may not be limited to, special events to promote fellowship and camaraderie for the benefit of the Lodge members (e.g., Family Appreciation, Ladies’ Appreciation, etc.), entertainment at Lodge or special events, donations to organizations (e.g., Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls, Masonic Service Association, etc.), Grand Lodge dues and assessments, Lodge officer salaries, and Masonic paraphernalia (e.g., aprons, degree items, etc.). Lodge approval is required to transfer funds from this fund to the checking account. As stated previously, only the interest of this fund will be used – the principle of this fund will not be used without modification to these by-laws. These funds will not be used for events that occur on a regular basis; such as Lodge Brothers breakfasts or any other event that occurs on a regularly scheduled basis.”

My proposal to the Lodge is this: starting in September of each year, the Trustees issue a report to the Financial Committee and the Pillar officers that includes the average percentage of interest earned on the Gowans fund from September of the previous year to August 31st of the current year. The Financial Committee will then supply the maximum operational budget to the Pillar officers by reducing the percentage in the Trustees’ report by 2%, creating a buffer of financial growth. For example, if the average interest earned on the Gowans Fund during a period is 6%, then the maximum operational budget would be 4% of the total balance in the account as of August 31st of the current year, and the remaining 2% earned would then be reinvested into the account.

Using the maximum operational budget supplied by the Financial Committee, the incumbent Worshipful Master will then craft their proposed budget for the following year by clearly identifying all line items that utilize Gowans funds vs general funds. The follow-through in this process is to utilize our current procedures, in that the incumbent Worshipful Master will then supply the proposed budget to the Financial Committee for review and approval before submitting it to the Lodge for voting. Once approved by both the Financial Committee and the Brethren of the Lodge, the Trustees can move money from the appropriate accounts into our checking account at the start of the following year. This approach guarantees financial stability with our operations, growth through investment in our craft, and transparency to the Brethren.

It is vitally important that we have an many of you in Lodge in September as possible to discuss the above proposal. We need to define the boundaries on what we consider acceptable expenses for use of the Gowans Fund and codify this process. I’m vested in making this proposal work for our Lodge, and encourage anyone with input, who may not be able to attend, to reach out with suggested modifications, improvements, or thoughts.

I look forward to seeing you all September 1st.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

August 2023 Stated Communication


Welcome back from the summer! I hope everyone has been able to relax and stay cool with friends and family.

I missed many of you in June, but Bro. Senior Warden informs me that everything went very well. I’d like to commend everyone for a successful Warden’s Night. Having the opportunity to move up in the line and continue to validate our proficiency in ritual is key to our ability to open and close our Lodge, manage business, and make new Masons. Everyone should be working, when you have time, to memorize any lines you may have in ritual, as well as the lines of the seats ahead and behind you. It is your responsibility to follow through on your obligations while managing your cable-tow, and that includes attendance in Lodge.

To that point, we will be moving our weekly Discord meeting to Wednesdays from 8-9pm for anyone interested in practicing ritual or discussing Lodge business. The Pillar Officers have agreed that our agenda will be to open the meeting with practice of the opening ritual, we will discuss ongoing business and planning, and conclude with practice of the closing ritual. If you need access to the server, reach out to W.B. Stephen Motroni, PM, for an invite.

As many of you know, we recently lost an amazing Brother, an extraordinarily dedicated Mason, and a wonderful friend, WB John C Regner. John fully dedicated himself to everything he did - he was deeply involved with the Eastern Star and Job’s Daughters, as well as much of his church community, and we would not be the lodge we are today without his unwavering support during his service as Secretary of the Lodge for a staggering 23 years.

I had the privilege of joining W.B. Karl Gruel, W.B. D.W. Stephenson, W.B. Sam Chin, and W.B. Anand Trivedi in representing St. John’s Lodge No. 11 at the funeral services in Jamestown, NY. To say the service was well attended would be an understatement, as the funeral home was so full that there was only room to stand for many of us. He received Masonic funeral services performed by our friends in the Mount Moriah Lodge No. 145, an Eastern Star funeral service, and full military honors with a 21-gun salute—which, upon hearing, made it very difficult to keep my composure. At the conclusion of the services, we joined friends and family at the Jamestown Masonic Temple for the wake, where we regaled each other with some of our favorite memories and stories of John.

We will be coordinating a memorial for John that will likely take place in the Fall. Please keep an eye out for further details as we begin the planning phase.

A final note about upcoming events: in August, we are planning to host an old-fashioned ice cream social with a variety of fun flavors, toppings, floats and summertime treats. In September, we will be organizing a Masonic Movie night accompanied with Bingo. Both events are friends and family friendly, so feel free to bring Brothers, prospects, partners, and children for the festivities.

I know that there are some of you that I owe drinks for the previous iteration of trivia. Find me in Lodge, and I’ll deliver. For those still interested in playing, the rules remain the same: correctly answer the pinball trivia question below and I’ll buy your first drink.

Medieval Madness boasts character voice credits from which SNL Alum?

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W.B. James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

June 2023 Stated Communication


I’d like to take a moment to remind everyone that our Lodge cannot continue to progress and improve without your support. In May, we had a turnout of only six (6) Brethren. While we were able to conduct business, and engage in lively discussion about the Grand Lodge legislation change proposals, our resources were stretched very thin, and it was disappointing to see such a small crowd. I challenge everyone to take time and evaluate how taut your cable-tow is, and prioritize engaging with your Brethren and Lodge, if possible. Officers have an obligation to make a concerted effort to attend our Stated Communications; you are the foundation on which we build the structure of our Lodge.

A quick note on the Semi-Annual Grand Lodge Communication. An amazing turnout on Wednesday, May 10th included representatives from all but 7 Lodges in the District. Lively discussion and debate took place, and the decision was made to call a special to further amend the proposals to ensure that the language reflects the intent without unintended consequences in the future. As a summarized reminder, the proposals were: 1 - Any Mason who brings a suit or legal action against another is automatically expelled; 2 - Any individual who refuses admittance to the Grand Lodge Officers in a Masonically-affiliated meeting shall be expelled; 3 - changing the language for the Grand Secretary’s salary from a salary to an annual honorarium; and 4 - clarification on the definition of Lodge rooms, and adjustments to the proper procedures with illegible ballots. At this time, the Brethren have all agreed that we feel that the proposals are incomplete and need refinement. We will be working closely with the Grand Lodge, and the rest of the jurisdiction to revise these proposals.

At our June Stated, we will have a Warden’s night, meaning that all Lodge Officers will rotate one seat towards the East. Brother Arce has planned for a guided meditation to an 18th Century Egyptian Rite Lodge; he has requested that all who wish to participate bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Pizzas will be ordered, so make sure to respond to Brother Junior Warden if you are planning to join for dinner. He has also invited the Grand Lodge physician to give a presentation on the proper use of an AED (automated external defibrillator) in case of emergency.

Finally, in an effort to gauge how many Brethren are reading our bulletins and communications, I am offering a bit of trivia, which if you find me in Lodge and answer correctly, will earn a beverage of your choice from the Almas bar. What are the three highest production pinball games in modern history?

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.

May 2023 Stated Communication


A bit of good news to start. Our Lodge has elected to bestow an honorary membership on Most Worshipful Brother Alan L. Gordon, P.G.M., and grant reaffiliation to Brother Thomas Zekoski. Please join me in welcoming them (back) to our ranks. I very much look forward to having both in attendance.

Next, a bit of business. As many know, we are in the Non-Payment of Dues (N.P.D.) season, and many Brethren have indicated that they have occasionally struggled with paying dues. As a reminder to everyone, we have several relief options should you find yourself in hardship. At any time, you should feel free to reach out to any of the Pillar Officers or W.B. Secretary if you need support in navigating a relief request.

Also many of you are aware, as of late, several decisions that have come from the Most Worshipful Grand Master (M.W.G.M.). Without context, these may seem arbitrary, petty, or unnecessary, but I can assure you that, in each of these instances, issuing a decision was the absolute last resort. The M.W.G.M., in every example, attempted to whisper good counsel, engage with the Brethren, plead his case, and was repeatedly met with pushback and/or ridicule. Behavior such as this is completely un-Masonic. The M.W.G.M., by code, has every right to immediately suspend a Brother for these actions, yet he found humility and tried to work through the resistance to find common ground, only to be disrespected again.

I know that for many of us, we are still dealing with the trauma caused by the frustration of feeling helpless to prevent the events of last year from crumbling the foundation of our jurisdiction, but lashing out in response is not the way to solve our problems. We are taught, as Masons, to learn to subdue our passions, and this is a life-long process that will require challenges that push you to your limits. I implore each of you to remember the teachings of the Craft and always approach a new test with the knowledge that you are a Master Mason and therefore know how to conduct yourself as such.

I am a big proponent of transparency, and I applaud the M.W.G.M. for having an open-door policy. So, taking his cue, if at any point, you feel that you need more context to any decision coming from the Most Worshipful Grand Master, myself, or anything happening in our jurisdiction, know that I am here to talk.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
WB James M. Hall
Worshipful Master

Full Trestleboard available here.